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           RAIDO Racing 0W-30                     ACEA A3/B4;                                          A fully synthetic engine oil, designed for cars for race conditions
           NS-A.06.86                             API SH/CF;                                           where the highest performance is required.
                                                  API SN/CF *)
                                                  *) API SN quality only; not-licensable due to phosphorus-limit

           RAIDO Racing ES 10W-30                 ACEA A3/B4;                                          A fully synthetic, ester fortified, engine oil, designed for cars for race
           NS-A.06.69                             API SH/CF;                                           conditions where the highest performance is required.
                                                  API SN/CF *)
                                                  *) API SN quality only; not-licensable due to phosphorus-limit

           RAIDO Racing ES 10W-60                 ACEA A3/B4;                                          A fully synthetic engine oil, ester fortified, designed for cars for race
           NS-A.06.71                             API SN/CF                                            conditions where the highest performance is required.

           RAIDO Racing 10W-60                    ACEA A3/B4;                                          A fully synthetic, multi-grade engine oil with specially selected base
           ST-DL.06.47                            API SN/CF                                            oils. A very high proportion of Group IV polyalphaolefins makes it a
                                                                                                       very special engine oil, which can also satisfy the highest
                                                                                                       requirements. Thanks to its special additives, this oil is also suitable
                                                                                                       for extreme racing, is ideally suited to modern petrol engines under
                                                                                                       the heaviest of loads during car racing.

           RAIDO Chaser 10W-60                    ACEA A3/B4;                                          This universal synthetic motor oil, recommended for use in petrol-
           NS-A.06.16                             API SN/CF                                            and diesel engines, with or without turbo-charging, in passenger
                                                                                                       cars and delivery vans with the specifications as stated below.

           RAIDO Chaser FS 10W-60                 ACEA A3/B4;                                          This oil is a high-alloyed, synthetic, smooth-running, multi-grade
           ST-DL.06.01                            API SN/CF;                                           engine oil with specially selected base oils. Thanks to its special
                                                  BMW M Series;                                        additives, is also suitable for an extremely sporting driving style. This
                                                  Fiat 9.55535-H3;                                     oil is ideally suited to modern petrol engines under the heaviest of
                                                  MB 229.1;                                            loads during car racing.
                                                  VW 501 00/505 00

           RAIDO Chaser ES 10W-60                 ACEA C3;                                             This is a universal, ester fortified, synthetic motor oil. This oil is
           NS-A.06.66                             API SN/CF                                            speciallyy developed for passenger car engines. Moreover this
                                                                                                       lubricant is very suitable for use in petrol and diesel engines, with or
                                                                                                       without turbo-charging.

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