Page 26 - Here we go for 2008
P. 26



              1.  Most embarrassing moment of the year:- The Chef looking for a golf ball in the dam at
              Camden Haven Golf course – naked – with 4 very senior lady members waiting behind on a stool for
              their next shot.  OH my God !

              2   Luckiest Play of the season:- Macca’s kick & chase against The Ratz

              3   No talent award:   - Certain match decision makers

              4.  Biggest call of the year:-  Ringo playing in a match with the better half in labour !!!!

              5.  Best Non-Attendance of the season. Important Semi-Final. No show by Teia ??

              6.  Best excuse for not attending training:- Pre-natal classes.  A number of players

              7.  Worst excuse for not attending training:- “I’m tired”, Nath Earley

              8.  Hidden Talent Award:-    Murray Polson, wins it hands down

              9.  Biggest hit of the season:- Adam Gregory on Forster winger @ Old Bar. Honorary mention to
                    the Nabiac player who hit Woody at Old Bar nearly dislodging Woody’s sole remaining tooth
              10. Best Injury:- Thommo. Wins with a fractured eye socket, hairline fracture of cheekbone,
                     broken nose and a broken thumb. ---   all in the one tackle

              11. Worst Injury:- Cam Phillips. Knee reconstruction after trial match  – out for all season

              12. Hardest Head of the Year:- Definitely Jason Smith, but he doesn’t know it

              13. Softest Head:- the bloke Jason hit

              14. Best fight:- Jason Smith mixing it with the Forster Captain, Half a metre taller.

              15. Unluckiest Play of the season:- Losing Hodgy to the Army

              16. Unbelievable achievement award:- Pete Wilson for becoming known as J C our saviour

              17.  The deteriorated body award:- Woody, only he knows why !! Worse this year !!

              18.  Worst kick of the season:- Joel Minett’s kick for touch in the Major Semi.

              19.  Golf Day crashed award:- No names mentioned but who will forget our Forster trip

              20. Crashed, Clammed & Burned Award :- Leigh Woodhouse from start to finish on our
              Melbourne trip. Any time of the day or night, Every time when asked ‘Howya going Woody’?
              Answer was always “F*&%$D

              21.  The totally new person award:- Is it the same Brad Lewis who went to Melbourne and who
              came back??
              22.  Boatrace Information:- We were not defeated at all this season and have only lost one in the
              last 4 years.
              23.  Mr personality award:- Roger Pedrotta
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