Page 28 - Here we go for 2008
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Thank you Iggy McCarthy
Once again this year The Clams were involved with
the community raising thousands of dollars for
The Leukaemia Foundation. There were two special
Events held at The Taree West Bowling Club and Club Old
Bar. While our contribution this year wasn’t as productive as
previous years mainly because of time constraints we were
still delighted with our effort. Raising monies in excess of
a few thousand is what it is all about and no doubt the Leukaemia Foundation were once again happy
with The Clam’s contribution.
We would like to thank our hairdresser Mel from Nat’s Main St Hair Studio, Old Bar for her devoted time
and staff support for cutting many hair cuts during the afternoon. Also a big thank you to Linda from Split
Enz Hair Studio,Taree West for her valuable time. Thanks also to Prime Possum who always entertains the kids
A big thanks to all who participated either by collecting or having their hair removed.
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