Page 113 - Mario Bigon "The Morrow Guide to Knots"
P. 113


      This knot has the
      advantage over the
      ordinary sheepshank that it
      does not come undone but
      the disadvantage that it is
      more difficult to undo. It is
      not used much by seamen,
      as the two overhand knots
      that hold the knot together
      jam when subjected to
      great strain. making it very
      difficult to untie. It is.
      however, an interesting
      and useful knot when a
      permanent shortening is

      Make a simple running
      knot, leaving a long end
      (1 ), Double the end back
      to the right and form an
      overhand knot in the end
      of the loop (2), Tighten
      the knot by pulling the
      ends (3),

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