Page 196 - Mario Bigon "The Morrow Guide to Knots"
P. 196
First type
Strictly speaking, these
knots belong to the
category of stopper
knots discussed on
pages 27-38; but we
have decided to include
them among the
decorative knots,
because it is only
effectively used as
These are only two
examples of compound
knots. Many weaves
(walls, crowns,
diamonds, Matthew
Walkers) can be used
giving very different
end results. although
they all have the same
common feature tha1
they enlarge the rope on
which they are made.
The number of strands
can also vary. This may
at first seem a great 3
complication, but you
need only practice the
knots with three
strands. as shown here,
to see that when you
have mastered the basic
technique. more strands
do not present
Before moving on to
more complicated
compound knots, you