Page 250 - Mario Bigon "The Morrow Guide to Knots"
P. 250
Ashley, C. W. The Ashley Book of Knots. Garden City, New York, 1944.
Barthier, M. P. G. The Art of Knots, Garden City, New Vork, 1977.
Blandford, P. W. Practical Knots and Ropework, Blue Ridge Summit,
Pennsylvania, 1980.
Brown. T. and R. Hunter. The Spur Book of Knots, Bucks, 1978.
Burgess. J. T. Knots. Ties and Splices. London, 1977.
Fry, E. C. Knots and Ropework, New York. 1977.
Gibson, W. B. Fells Official Guide to Knots and How to Tie Them, New York.
Grainger, S. E. C,eative Ropecraft, New York. 1977.
Graumant. R. Handbook of Knots, London, 1977.
Jarman. C. and B. Beavis. Modern Rope Seamanship, Camden, Maine.
Kreh, L. and M. Sosin. Practical Fishing and Boating Knots, London, 1975.
Portalupi, A.ll/iblD della pesca in acque dolci, Milan, 1976.
Snyder, P. and A. Snyder. Knots and Lines. Tuckahoe. New York, 1970.