Page 60 - Mario Bigon "The Morrow Guide to Knots"
P. 60
Also called the anchor bend,
this is one of the most secure
and widely used hitches. It is
used by sailors for mooring at
the wharf and to tie the
anchor ring, a use from which
it derives one of its names.
The fisherman's bend is
normally made in small- and
medium·diameter rope. as it is
difficult to make in large-
diameter rope.
The end is passed through the
ring two or three times from
the bottom upwards without
twisting the rope (1, 2). The
end is then passed behind the
standing part and is inserted
through the turns around the
ring (3,4). The knot is now
finished, but one or two half
5 hitches are usually made
around the standing part for
greater security. Tighten them
individually for a better hold (5).
If the ring is very fine
compared to the rope it is
better to make three or four