Page 14 - Tee Up Your Speech
P. 14

Tee Up Your Speech: Golf is Like Public Speaking

         Tip #11

         Tee up

         and address

         your ball.

         A round of golf starts with teeing up the
         ball. It’s the way we begin each hole. We
         must address the ball properly to ensure
         that we have the best opportunity for a
         good swing.

         For public speaking, 'tee up’ your idea or objective at the beginning of your presentation. Do you
         know your objective? If you don't, how are you going to communicate it to your audience? When
         preparing, be able to state your objective or message in one sentence. Then, build your
         presentation around it.

         The most important part of your presentation is your audience. Address them and focus on their
         needs. Grab their attention immediately. You don't have to tell them what you are going to do...just
         do it!

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