Page 27 - The Madden Method Symposium
P. 27
Beke Brinkmann
Chinook I
CSHA 2016 Grey Gelding
Beke, who has ridden all her life, although an am-
ateur, comes from a deep heritage of horse people
and breeders. The Brinkmann’s own the well-re-
garded, Equitop Farm near New Norway, AB. Beke
is proud to have developed four horses that later
competed at the FEI level, including one that made
the Canadian Show Jumping Team. Her goal is to
remain competitive at the 1.30 m level on their stal-
lions and homebred, Equitop-trained horses. While
pursuing her career as a wildlife biologist, she will
continue to provide a few horses with the foundation to make them strong competitors at the higher levels.
Beke’s homebred gelding, CHINOOK I, is by her current showjumping star, CASPARO who is currently showing at the FEI levels and she describes this sire as level-headed, extremely clever and built for showjumping! The sire’s sire, COUPE DE COEUR, 3 times German Champion, is a powerhouse in the world of showjumping while CHI- NOOK’s dam, GOLDWING (by GROSSO GOLD) received very high marks at her Canadian Sport Horse inspection. Although lightly shown in 2021, CHINOOK won team competition at his first show; placed 3rd in the 0.9m Mini Prix at Spruce Meadows and is also in the ribbons in the hunter ring.
Beke is looking for the Madden’s input to improve training CHINOOK, who has such a soft mouth. It can be chal- lenging to shorten his large step without his neck shortening... an extremely fine balance for this athletic young- ster.
Coupe de Coeur Wujiwoo
Grosso Gold Atiika
Calido I Georgia Wogenbrecher Gadina
Grosso Z Julios Rosecheu A Jungle Prince Rapunzel