Page 15 - ProposalBookletLakelandRegMedCenterMOB
P. 15


                                                         MaK Hardy

                                              Mr. MaK Hardy is  a senior execu ve with nearly two decades of director level
                                              or  higher  management  experience.  Adept  in  managing  the  full  life  cycle  of
                                              construc on projects from concept to comple on. Dedicated to con nuously
                                              assessing  opera ons  to  iden fy  opportuni es  to  enhance  safety,  efficiency,
                                              service and profits.  He has worked in various senior management posi ons in
                                              opera ons  ,  preconstruc on,  and  engineering.    MaK  is  responsible  for
                   Preconstruc on , Prefabrica on   preconstruc on  and  construc on  services,  project  profitability,  client
                        Construc on Services   communica ons,  work force, material control, prefabrica on,
                                              and nego a ons within Tri-City's highly respected Healthcare Group.

                                              Throughout  MaK's  career  in the  electrical  construc on  industry,  he  has
                     20 Years
                                              gained  vast  exper se  in managing large, complex  projects, and teams.  Our
                                              Healthcare  Division  allows  his sole  focus  on  the  healthcare  market.  His
                                              proven mastery of the  unique and demanding construc on standards  in the
                                              healthcare  area  has  established  his credibility  with  project  stakeholders
                  · ealthcare Specialty       opera ng in this specialized market.

                  · ivision Management
                                              MaK is currently involved with the following projects:
                  · EAN Project Management &
                                                  ·  Florida Hospital Winter Park—Winter Park, FL
                   Construc on Processes
                                                  ·  Northwest Hospital—Margate, FL
       Electrical Proposal   · onstruc on Document Control   ·  Trinity Hospital—Trinity, FL
                  · isk Management
                                                  ·  JFK Hospital—Atlan s, FL
                                                  ·  Nemours Hospital—Lake Nona, FL
                  · ost & Schedule Tracking

                                              MaK has been involved with the following projects:
                          Matt Hardy              ·  St. Claire Hospital—Fenton, MO—$28mm

                                                  ·  SSM DePaul Health Center—Bridgetown, MO—$21mm

                         430 West Drive           ·  Carlinville Area Hospital—Carlinville, IL—$16mm
                   ALTAMONTE Springs, FL 32714    ·  Hillsboro Area Hospital—Hillsboro, IL—$14mm
                        Cell: 407.607.5148
                                                  ·  Washington  University  School  of  Medicine  Data  Center—St  Louis,
                       Office: 407.788.3500
                   Email:   ·  Barnes Jewish Hospital—St Louis, MO—$10mm

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