Page 8 - Research News 2019-2020 Desktop
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Peer Reviewed Papers
Braund H, Dalgarno N, McEwen L, Egan R, Reid M-A, Baxter Campigotto A, Leahy S, Zhao G, Campbell RJ, Lai Y. Non-
S. Involving ophthalmology departmental stakeholders in invasive Intraocular pressure monitoring with contact lens. Br
developing workplace-based assessment tools. Can J Ophthalmol, J Ophthalmol. 2019 Jul 2. pii: bjophthalmol-2018-313714. doi:
2019 Oct; Vol. 54, Issue 5, p590–600. 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-313714.
Brown GC, Brown MM, Sharma S. Ethnicity and Diabetic Quality- Doiron RC, Bona M, Nickel JC. Possible drug-induced, vision-
of-Life. Am J Med Sci. 2019 Aug;358(2):121-126. threatening maculopathy secondary to chronic pentosan
polysulfate sodium (Elmiron®) exposure.
Campbell RJ. The making of a great surgeon. Ophthalmology. Can Urol Assoc J. 2020 Feb;14(2):10-11.
2019 Nov; 126(11):1490-1491.
Far PM, Rullo J, Kratky V. Use of telemedicine in the management
Campbell RJ, Hooper P, Noel TA, Ahmed I, Chevrier R, Curtis J, of life-threatening periorbital necrotizing fasciitis in a remote
El-Defrawy S, Everson J, Hutnik C, MacDonald D, Ulakovic W, community. Can J Emerg Med. 2020 Jan 22(1): 118-120.
Weber M. Glaucoma Quality Standards Advisory Committee:
Quality Standards - Recommendations for Adoption: Glaucoma. Hussain A, Tucker N, DeAngelis DD, Yin VT, Ing E, Arthurs B, Gill HS,
12. Health Quality Ontario & the Ontario Provincial Vision Task Hardy I, Hurwitz J, Kratky V, Maleki B, Nijhawan N, Oestreicher
Force. 2019. J, Zafar A. Guidelines for vismodegib in the management of
periocular basal cell carcinoma. Can J Ophthalmol. 2019 Dec31
Campbell RJ, Hooper P, Noel TA, Ahmed I, Chevrier R, Curtis J, El- (19) 30989-5.
Defrawy S, Everson J, Hutnik C, MacDonald D, Ulakovic W, Weber
M. Glaucoma Quality Standards Advisory Committee: Quality Irrcher I, ten Hove MW. Advances in Teleophthalmology: Is it
Standards - Glaucoma Care for Adults - Measurement Guide. 29. ready for Neuro-ophthalmology? Adv Ophthalmol Optom. 2019
Health Quality Ontario & the Ontario Provincial Vision Task Force. 4:259-274.
Ing EB, Miller NR, ten Hove MW, Torun N. Diplopia and Giant Cell
Campbell RJ, Hooper P, Noel TA, Ahmed I, Chevrier R, Curtis J, El- Arteritis. J Neuroophthalmol. 2019 Dec;39(4):546-547.
Defrawy S, Everson J, Hutnik C, MacDonald D, Ulakovic W, Weber
M. Glaucoma Quality Standards Advisory Committee: Quality Jagan L, Turk W, Petropolis C, Egan R, Cofie N, Wright KW, Strube
Standards: Glaucoma Care for Adults. 34. Health Quality Ontario YJ. Validation of a novel strabismus surgery 3D-printed silicone
& Ontario Provincial Vision Task Force. 2019 eye model for simulation training. J AAPOS. 2020 Jan 7. pii:
Campbell RJ, Hooper P, Noel TA, Ahmed I, Chevrier R, Curtis J, El-
Defrawy S, Everson J, Hutnik C, MacDonald D, Ulakovic W, Weber Lemke M, Banwell A, Rubinger N, Michelle Wiepjes M, Ropeleski
M. Glaucoma Quality Standards Advisory Committee: Glaucoma M, Vanner S, Hookey L. Colonoscopy Trainers Experience
Care Patient Guide. 21. Health Quality Ontario & the Ontario Greater Stress During Insertion than Withdrawal: Implications
Provincial Vision Task Force. 2019. for Endoscopic Curricula. Journal of the Canadian Association of
Gastroenterology. 2019 Nov. gwz031,
Campbell RJ, Khan S, Slater M, Sutherland R, Doliszny K, Hooper jcag/gwz031.
PL, Frymire E, Shah BR, Walker JD, Green ME. Diabetes-induced
eye disease among First Nations people in Ontario: A longitudinal Liu DJ, Rullo J, Kratky V, Farmer J. Histiocytic sarcoma of the
population-based cohort study. CMAJ Open. 2020;8(2):E282-8. eyelid. Saudi J Ophthalmol. 2019 Jul-Sep;33(3):300-303.
Pike D, Mandelcorn ED, Sheidow T, Whelan JH. Inner-limiting-
Campbell RJ, Khan S, Slater M, Sutherland R, Doliszny K, Hooper
PL, Frymire E, Shah BR, Walker JD, Green ME. First Nations and membrane peeling in epiretinal membrane surgery: an evolving
Diabetes in Ontario – Chapter 12. Diabetes and Eye Disease. surgical trend. Can J Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr;55(2):e72-e74.
Chiefs of Ontario & ICES. 2019 Rullo J, Bae S, Far PM, Hazimi AA, Gupta V, Bal M, Hopman
WM, Irrcher I, Urton T, Bona M, Campbell R, Gonder T, Sharma
Campbell RJ, ten Hove MW, El-Defrawy SR, Hooper PL. Cataract
surgery quality and capacity. Healthcare Quarterly. 2019 Apr S. Measuring intraocular antibodies in eyes treated with anti-
22(1): 6-10. vascular endothelial growth factor. Can J Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr
3. pii: S0008-4182(19)30738-0.
Rullo J, Far PM, Farmer JF, Clements-Baker M, ten Hove MW. A
curious case of arteritis: infectious, inflammatory, or both. Can J
Ophthalmol. 2019 Dec;54(6):e288-e292.