Page 9 - Research News 2019-2020 Desktop
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Peer Reviewed Papers - (continued)
Rullo J, Far PM, Quinn M, Sharma N, Bae S, Irrcher I, Sharma S. Urton T, Ruzicki J. Review of the Evidence for Topical Nonsteroidal
Local oral and nasal microbiome diversity in age-related macular Anti-inflammatory Drugs Post-cataract Surgery. Curr Ophthalmol
degeneration. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 2;10(1):3862. Rep 7,2019 Nov 219–223.
Rullo J, Pennimpede T, Far PM, Strube YJ, Irrcher I, Urton T, Bona
M, Gonder T, Campbell RJ, ten Hove MW, Sharma S, Farmer J, Wright KW, Corradetti G, Strube YJ, Mai SV. Foreign body extrusion
Petkovich M. Intraocular calcidiol: Uncovering a role for vitamin associated with N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate glue used with rectus
D in the eye. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2020 Mar;197:105536 muscle hang-back recession. Can J Ophthalmol.
2020 Feb;55(1):58-62.
Ruzicki J, Nair GS, Wang A, Farmer JF, Strube YJ. Papillomas in Goltz
syndrome: case report, anaesthetic considerations, and review of Wright KW, Strube YJ. Pediatric Ophthalmology for Primary Care,
the literature. Can J Ophthalmol. 2019 Oct;54(5):e227-e230. 4th ed. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2019.
Strube YJ. Addressing commentator concerns on methods Zupancic JAF, Ying GS, de Alba Campomanes A, Tomlinson LA,
in a study of strabismus using binocular optical coherence Binenbaum G; G-ROP Study Group (Law C). Evaluation of the
tomography – reply. JAMA Ophthalmology 2019; 137:325-326. economic impact of modified screening criteria for retinopathy of
prematurity from the Postnatal Growth and ROP (G-ROP) study.
Tan MG, Worley B, Kim WB, ten Hove MW, Beecker J. Drug- J Perinatol. 2020 Feb 28.
Induced Intracranial Hypertension: A Systematic Review and
Critical Assessment of Drug-Induced Causes. Am J Clin Dermatol.
2020 Apr;21(2):163-172.
Conference Presentations
Campigotto A, Lai Y, Ratzlaff T, Campbell RJ. Read intraocular Huang TC, Smith SL, Ahrens N, Dinoff R, Foster J, McGrath C, Kes-
pressure non-invasively. Canadian Society for Mechanical En- sler D. Use of supports by persons with age-related vision loss.
gin-eering and the CFD Society of Canada Annual Meeting (2019). Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist’s (Virtual) Con-
ference (2020).
Curtis R, Xu M, Liu D, Kwok J, Hopman W, Irrcher I, Baxter S.
Smartphone compatible versus conventional ophthalmoscope; Khalil R, Urton T, Clements-Baker M. Lupus choroidopathy – a
a randomized crossover educational trial. Canadian Ophthalmo- rare manifestation of SLE. Canadian Rheumatology Associa-
logical Annual Meeting (2020). tion & Arthritis Health Professions Association Annual Scientific
Meeting (2020).
Duimering A, Holden M, Egan R, Law C. Motion analysis in sur-
gical training: piloting an objective assessment tool for cataract Lahaie Luna G, ten Hove MW, Parel J. Validating the use of a
skills simulation. Canadian Ophthalmology Society Annual meet- Stereoscopic Robotized Teleophthalmic Drone Slit Lamp. Podium
ing (2020). Presentation. Global Ophthalmology Session. Canadian Ophthal-
mology Society Annual meeting (2020).
Hawley GD, Law C, Strube YJ. Missed appointments in a Canadi-
an tertiary care, academic centre pediatric ophthalmology and Lahaie Luna G, ten Hove MW, Parel J. Validating the use of a
adult strabismus service: Rates and financial impact. Canadian Stereoscopic Robotized Teleophthalmic Drone Slit Lamp. Global
Ophthalmological Society Annual Meeting (2020). Ophthalmology Section. American Academy of Ophthalmology
Annual Meeting (2019).
Hawley GD, Strube YJ, Law C. Rate of missed appointments and
last-minute cancellations in a pediatric ophthalmology practice. Lahaie Luna G, ten Hove MW, Parel J. Validating the use of a Ste-
American Association for Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabis- reoscopic Robotized Teleophthalmic Drone Slit Lamp. Association
mus Annual Meeting (2020). for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting (2020).
Hazari H, Curtis R, Eden K, Bona M. Validation of an iPad appli- Lahaie Luna G, Wang Y, Almeida DR, Strube YJ. Pigmented Para-
cation for visual acuity testing; a Vision Rehabilitation Telemed- venous Retinochoroidal Atrophy (PPRCA) in an infant : A case re-
icine Study. Canadian Ophthalmological Society Annual Meeting port and literature review. Euretina Annual Congress (2019).