CUFI Update Spring 2022
P. 1
Spring 2022
cufiupdate Christians United for Israel United Kingdom
On the frontline
CUFI visits Ukraine border
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If you asked us at the beginning of the year what our plans were for 2022, we would not have envisaged CUFI staff travelling to the borders of Ukraine to assist Jewish refugees fleeing war. Or that CUFI would be flying
plane-loads of Jews from Europe to a new life in Israel. We are so blessed to be placed in a position to help Ukrainian Jews in their time of need.
We understand from the Bible that in these times we will see Jews making Aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) from all corners of the earth. So, while we did not expect these events, we were always prepared to act when the need arose.
Meeting this need was only made possible because of the unique position God has placed us in, coupled with the fact we have people financially supporting our work. Our members are providing a solid foundation upon which we can operate and be responsive in situations like this. We could not have done this without the united efforts of Christians all working together to make an impact.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting CUFI. Every donation helps our work, from bringing Jews back to Israel to challenging antisemitism in the UK and much more. It is all in the Lord’s service to bless Israel and the Jewish people and defend our Judeo- Christian faith.
As you would expect, making an impact means we attract the attention of those who want to thwart our work. An example of this came recently when the CUFI UK website was targeted in a cyberattack by an Islamist group, the same one that had previously attacked President Trump’s website. They managed
to put a message on our website that showed their hatred for Israel and was an attempt to intimidate us. Fortunately, their attempts to disrupt were short lived. The company we use for website security regained control swiftly, added extra security barriers, and ensured that any further attacks have failed.
The CUFI team believes that we must be doing something right to cause a radical Islamist group to try and silence our voice. And since we started, we’ve been targeted in numerous ways. Whether it is trolls on social media, hackers attacking our website, protesters targeting our events or even delivery drivers causing scenes at our offices – we are not afraid to be standing up for Israel.
As Pastor Hagee says: “We are hardcore Zionist, battlefield tested, lovers of Israel.”
We know we are outnumbered and as the day of the Lord’s return draws nearer it will be even more challenging to stand up for Biblical truth. We are prepared to face these challenges and we know God has equipped us for this mission by bringing thousands of Christians in the UK together for this cause.
That’s why we are so grateful to everyone who partners with us. Thank you for every prayer you have prayed, every donation you have given, and every time you have raised your voice to defend Israel and the Jewish people. Together, we are making a difference!
For Zion’s Sake, we will not keep silent!
Des Starritt
Executive Director, CUFI UK