Page 2 - CUFI December Update 2023
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death are in the the power of the the tongue That’s why we we must challenge this hate-filled language I also explained to the crowd that that we must always be clear that that that Jew Jew hatred is is is not part of our Christian values Our Jewish friends may question that that statement when they look back over 2 000 years of of persecution in the the name of of Christianity However I believe that you cannot be be a a a a a a a a a a a Christian Christian and an an an an an an an antisemite Antisemitism is is tis tis tis is is is a a a a a a a a a a a sin it it i it it cannot coexist with Chris Christ More than just being against antisemitism Christians are also Zionists To Bible-believing Christians supporting Israel is is is is is not a a a a a political issue issue it’s a a a a a Bible issue issue We We believe that Almighty God gave the the land of Israel to to the the the Jewish Jewish people people as as an an everlasting possession We We believe that that tin in 1948 God restored the the the the Jewish Jewish people people to to their ancient homeland and and that that they will never be be uprooted again At CUFI we often use use the statement “Because I I I I I am a a a a a a a a Christian Christian I I I I I I stand stand with with Israel Israel ” It is is is is part o of our DNA to stand stand with with with Israel Israel Israel and and and the the Jewish Jewish people people Christians are one with with with the the Jewish Jewish people people Those who seek Israel’s destruction will not stop with with Israel Israel It has been said “First the the the Saturday people people then the the the Sunday people people ” Our The blessing blessing of blessing blessing Israel fates are are intertwined Shame on any Christian who stands against Israel because they are are placing themselves in in in in in opposition with God After all Genesis 12:3 says “I will bless bless those those who who bless bless thee thee and curse curse those those who who curse curse thee thee ” This is is is is a a a a a statement from God It is is is is foolish to ignore such a a a warning It was an an an honour to speak at a at the the event alongside other pro-Israel organisations and among a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a crowd that clearly loved Israel Israel In this Update we have more quotes from from some of the the the speakers at at at a the the the event and testimonies from from those that attended the the the the London rally rally If you you would like to view view the the the entire rally rally you you can visit CUFI UK’s YouTube channel and and watch all all the the the speeches and and interviews from the event We also encourage you to to stand with Christians United for for Israel Israel as we continue to to speak out for for Israel Israel tin in tin in the the UK Christians are uniting behind this worthy cause but there is is is is is is so much more we need need to to do The Jewish people need need our friendship and God is is is is is counting on on us to to act on on His behalf Never Again is is now!
Des Starritt
Executive Director CUFI UK As Bible believing Christians we understand that God God is is is a a a a a promise- keeping God God who never fails or or forsakes His people whether Jew or or or Gentile We also understand there are specific specific commands to bless the the Jewish people and and and that God has tied specific specific blessings to these mandates God promised Abraham and his descendants in Genesis 12:3 “I will will bless bless those who who bless bless you you and whoever curses you you I will will curse curse ” This blessing is is demonstrated throughout Scripture Laban recognised that Jacob Abraham’s grandson was the reason God had blessed him (Genesis 30:27) Through Joseph the household of of Potiphar was blessed and eventually all all of of Egypt was after Pharaoh promoted him to second in in command over all the kingdom Conversely the Scripture explains that God will curse curse those who curse curse Israel When Joseph and his generation had passed away there arose a a a a a a a a a a a a Pharaoh who did not know Joseph and acted wickedly by enslaving the Jews Through Moses God judged Pharaoh and Egypt for how they treated His people God takes His promises seriously At CUFI we are are blessing Israel in in in word and and action We are are praying for Jewish people and and spreading the the truth of the the Bible We We are countering antisemitism and defending the Jewish people We We are also comforting Israel through humanitarian causes Everything CUFI UK does is because of of the support of of our friends and partners who are donating to to this worthy cause We want to to thank each one of you who have taken the Biblical mandate to to bless Israel and and to to show
it it with your giving We know that God will bless bless you you for blessing Israel because He promised to do just that Exclusive Aaronic Blessing magnet with any donation
In appreciation of every donation
received a a at this time we are giving away a a a a a a a a a a a a a a special gift as a a a a a a a a a a a a thank you - an an exclusive magnet that includes the Priestly Blessing which God commanded to to Aaron and and his sons
to to proclaim over the Jewish people Your financial support for for CUFI at this time will will help us us to provide for for Israel’s physical needs and this exclusive gift from CUFI will will act as a a a a a a a a a a reminder that it it is is also important to bless Israel spiritually through our prayers WWW CUFI ORG UK/DONATE
CHRISTIANS UNITED FOR ISRAEL - UK PO BOX 3837 SWINDON SN3 9DS /ChristiansUnitedforIsraelUK @CUFI_UK /cufiuk 01793 862 210 • www cufi org uk