Page 2 - The Mirror - GML 1st Volume_Neat
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District 3090
Jennifer Jones Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi
RI President 2022-23 RI Director 2022-23
very month since I joined Rotary, I've help us raise awareness by reaching people
looked forward to reading Rotary, who want to serve but have not yet realised they Rtn. Gulbahar Singh Retole, District Governor 2022-23 I am sure you will have a strong Agenda of
Eespecially the opening essay from our can do it through Rotary. But there was another
RID 3090 strengthening your District by increasing membership
Rotary president. I'll admit that as much as I important issue to consider - our carbon and Clubs and not only contributing largely to TRF but
appreciate a digital copy, I still revel in the footprint. I take seriously Rotary's emerging Warm Greetings!!
tactile sensation of sitting down and leafing leadership position on environmental issues. also taking part in Foundation programs. You may think
At the outset let me congratulate you for being offered
through the magazine's glossy pages. They are The example set by our members during the of Corporates who would partner with you for CSR
a treasure trove of photos and memorable Covid-19 pandemic is fundamental to how we this glorious opportunity to lead your District as projects. You may connect with International clubs for
stories about our great organisation — the one carve out our future. Governor. Every Rotarian always has this Dream when Global Grant projects of larger magnitude projects with
we all know and love. I have learned so much That means we will harness digital technology he joins Rotary. I am sure your sustained and TRF support. All you require is initiation, Innovation,
over the years about service projects and the
to tell our stories - we will be tweeting, posting, painstaking efforts to serve Humanity over the years trust in yourself a Big Dream Plan and mind you, we are
lives that each of you have transformed.
and "going live" to anyone who will listen. We must have made every single Rotarian of your District
As a communications professional, I have must consider the environment, and part of all there to support you in every single way for your
choose you as their Leader for 22-23.
longed for the day our stories would be a that means not always traveling but continuing success shall write the Golden lines of Rotary's
regular part of mainstream media and our to connect in meaningful ways as we have for 'The Mirror' is a great name for Governor's monthly success for 2022-23.
flagship magazine might populate doctor's the past two years. letter and I am honored to share my words Blessings
offices, coffee shops, or anywhere else people Amita joins me wishing you the Best of SUCCESS and
Of course, we are social people, and we still and good wishes for all the success in your dream plans
sit, wait, and browse. It's great that Rotary we will indeed be reading 'The Mirror' golden content as
need to be together. We simply need to be more of taking your District ahead.
members are better informed about all we do - you unfold your DREAMS of serving Humanity and
mindful of our decisions and think about how
and wouldn't it be that much better if more Changing Lives!! So be it!!
we gather just a little bit differently. For Dear Rtn. Gulbahar Singh Retole, This is a one-time
people knew our stories?
example, if we travel to visit a project, we will opportunity and you should enjoy every single moment
All this was top of mind as I thought about our plan successive visits in neighbouring areas. to possibly reach every single Rotarian in your District Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi
plans for promoting Rotary worldwide during
So, what are your stories and who can help tell and take them along in your Mission to Serve Humanity
the upcoming year. Over the next 12 months,
them? I hope you might consider your own and Change Lives of the downtrodden and the needy.
we are going to shine a light on projects that put
Imagine Impact efforts - your story might be
Rotary service on display to the world, and we
something you can promote just as easily on Imagine Rotary as a Good Samaritan --Willing and
are going to do it strategically. Nick and I will social media or during a zoom call. Think about
focus on some of the most impactful, wishing to bring everyone together caste, religion,
ways to showcase notable projects in your
sustainable and scalable Rotary projects from gender, place, empower girls, and work hard for our
clubs and districts. Rotary Initiative
our areas of focus, in what we call the Imagine Goals in Literacy and the TEACH program through
Impact Tour. We all feel the impact that Rotary service and Teachers' training in E-leaming Adult literacy, Child Tree Plantation
values have on us. Now it's our opportunity to
We are inviting top-tier journalists, thought development, and Happy Schools. Let's take the WINS
share that feeling with others.
leaders and influencers to use their channels to activities to every single school in the District and
partner with the Swachha Bharat and Sarvashiksha
Abhiyan of Govt of India.
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