Page 6 - The Mirror - GML 1st Volume_Neat
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          District 3090

                                                                                                                                                                              EDITOR'S NOTE

                                                      PDG Rajender Taneja
                                                                                                                                                                              Rtn. Prof. R.K. Kaushik
                                                      District Trainer
                                                                                                                                                                              District Editor

                                                                                                                                    It is gratifying to congratulate all club leaders, District   literature of Rotary and all Rotary mails and to remain in
             Dear DG Gulbahar (as is the name so is the personality.   of"IMAGINE"
                                                                                                                                    Advisors,  Council  of  Governors  and  all  Rotary   touch with all developments and activities  being done
             Ever pleasing & ever Smiling) at the outset Let me  Our  1st  &  foremost  task  must  be  Empowering  Girls,          functionaries in District 3090 on the commencement    in  Rotary  and  also  act  upon  the  guidelines  and
             Congratulate  You  &  Your  untiring  Team  for  the   Empowered  Girls  Becomes  Empowered  Women,  Add
                                                                                                                                    of  New  Rotary  year  2022-23.  As  per  the  Rotary   information as circulated in GML and through other
             enthusiasm in arranging  the Events, much  before the   30%  Women  as  Members,  Let  us  Unitedly  Dream  Big
                                                                                                                                    International theme - "Imagine Rotary" given by worthy   means of communication.
             start of Year of Imagine & Inning, You have already bated   Things to make them realized "IMAGINE", IMAGINE" &
                                                                                                                                    RI President Rtn. Jennifer Jones, we all have taken the
             with  'Sixer  -  Winning  of  Election,  'TARRUF'  (An   'IMAGINE" like "Imagine a world without Polio""Imagine                                                              As we know GML is a great source of information and
                                                                                                                                    pledge to work for Rotary through various projects in all
             Introductory  Event  of  AGs),  'AAGAZ'  (Assistant   a world with Clean Drinking Water""Imagine a world free                                                                Rotary knowledge, therefore, it is the duty of all Rotary
                                                                                                                                    the avenues of service and to shine and brighten the
             Governors Training Seminar),  'PARWAZ' President &  of Diseases," "Imagine a worldwhere every Child Learns                                                                   leaders and members to take full advantage of GML by
                                                                                                                                    name of RI District 3090 under the dynamic leadership
             Secretaries Training Seminar (PETS & SETS), 'IZLASS'   to Read "for which you have very well planned the Zonal                                                               going through it attentively. The clubs and committees
             District  Training  Assembly  &  'TAZ  POSHI'  (The   Meets,  Senior  Rotarian  PP  NS  Sodhi  is  doing  great  ,     of our District Governor Rtn. Gulbahar Singh Retole.   are  requested  to  make  the  GML  worthwhile  by
             Governor's Installation Ceremony).                 Imagine Kindness, Hope ,Love &Peace.                                The  first issue of  the  GML  (2022-23) is  to  hand so   extending cooperation and timely communication. It is
             Unexpected Election Result of Election of Yours which   Never underestimate the impression you may make on             availing the opportunity of this occasion, the District   hoped that all targets and objectives will be achieved by
             Surprised each one, it was a Major Break Through All   others, whose life you touch today, why not to pass it on       appeals  and  expects  from  our  all  club  leaders,   all  of  us  with  our  joint  willing  cooperation  and
             other 5 Events were really marvelous & Praise Worthy   Life is a journey not a Guided Tour"You are already on the      committees, Zones and AG's that District be acquainted   activeness throughout the year.
             protocol was duly followed Dynamic DG Parveen Jindal   Path which leads to Success as on the very 1st day 1st          with each and every  activity promptly to  enable the   Praying to God for all success of our District and Rotary
             Chaired  as  Chief  Guest  ,The  selection  of  Venue,   July Contribution to TRF crossed 21000 US $ & in 1st          District  to  give  coverage  and  highlight  the  different   International in new Rotary year and all times to come.
             Dacoration,  The  Hospitality,  Food  &  above  all  the   Fortnight addition of 2 New Clubs,                          projects done by the Clubs and other concerned bodies
            selection of Faculties & large attendance, reflected your   I am noticing that Most of the Clubs are following My                                                              Let  us  work  with  great  enthusiasm  and  mutual
                                                                                                                                    every  month.  Please  see  that  vision  52  Weeks  52
            far  sightedness  &  Your  Dream  to  take  District  to  the   Vision  52,  By  the  end  of  Year  each  Club  is  going  to                                                cooperation  to  highlight  clubs  and  the  district  and
                                                                                                                                    Projects also remains our main guiding star.
            highest Peak'                                       Achieve Target of "52 Weeks 52 Projects"                                                                                  achieve the ideals of esteemed Rotary.
                                                                                                                                        Further, the District Governor desires that the Rotarians
            The  Clock  of  the  Year  started  ticking  from  1st  July   I wish a splendid, Memorable & Year of Achievements.
                                                                                                                                    should  be  particular  in  reading  the  GML,  and  other
            with5,25,600 Minutes,12 Months 365 days 52 Weeks,   Best Wishes.                                                                                                                                                   R.K. Kaushik
            are at he Disposal of You my Dear DG & The Rotarians of
            District  3090,As  to  How  each  one  Measure  the  Year                    PDG Rajender Taneja

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