Page 22 - Nanoskin CATALOG 2020
P. 22

Glass Treatment

                              Glass Activator & Cleaner                         Glass Sealant
                              RAIN PREP                                         RAIN

                              Glass Prep. before RAIN                           Scratch Resistant Glass Sealant
                              •  Cleanses & activates the glass with            • Safety driving formula
                                   AUTOSCRUB                                    • Seals the microscopic pores of  glass
                              •  Preparation for RAIN glass sealant
                              •  Removes f ngerprints, grime & buildup          • Contains durable anti-static polymer
                                                                                • Repels rain, sleet, and snow
                              AUTOSCRUB     7 : 1                               • Maintain a high level of visibility
                                                                                • Signif cantly improves scratch resistance
                              Glass Cleaner   7 : 1                             • Lasts months, not weeks
                              As a component of AUTOSCRUB, NANOSKIN
                              RAIN PREP cleanses and lubricates the glass       RAIN provides a durable, invisible coating to your
                              so well while gliding the AUTOSCRUB back and      windshield giving it excellent rain repellency. The
                              forth. RAIN PREP removes f ngerprints, dust,      invisible coating repels rain, sleet, and snow to
         NA-RPP16  NA-RPP128  NA-RPP40  grime, bugs, and buildup,  NA-RAI16  NA-RAI128  NA-RAI640  maintain a high level of visibility, dramatically
          16 Oz.   1 Gal.   5 Gal.  restoring the brilliance of crystal clear f nish.   16 Oz.   1 Gal.   5 Gal.  improving weather driving visibility. The treatment
                              RAIN PREP also opens the pores of the glass       also makes for easy removal of ice, frost, salt, mud
                              and is a perfect f rst step set up for NANOSKIN
                              RAIN Glass Sealant application.                   and bugs. RAIN contains durable anti-static polymer
                                                                                which will help dust from settling on your glass. RAIN
                              NOTE  Due to its ammonia formula, avoid           also signif cantly improves scratch resistance.
                                   contact with plastic molding and             ALWAYS USE YOUR WINDSHIELD WIPERS AS
                                   trims.                                       NECESSARY.
                                   DO NOT use on interior tinted glass.

                              Glass Sealant Kit
                              RAIN                       RAIN Glass Sealant Kit provides a durable, invisible coating to your windshield
                                                         giving it excellent rain repellency. The invisible coating repels rain, sleet, and
                              • Safety driving formula   snow to maintain a high level of visibility, dramatically improving weather
                              • Lasts months, not weeks  driving visibility. The treatment also makes for easy removal of ice, frost, salt,
                              • Signif cantly improves scratch resis  mud and bugs. RAIN contains durable anti-static polymer which will help dust
                                 tance and water repellency  from settling on your glass. RAIN also signif cantly improves scratch resistance.
                              Kit includes:              ALWAYS USE YOUR WINDSHIELD WIPERS AS NECESSARY.
                              • RAIN Glass Sealant 4Oz. x 1
                              • RAIN PREP Glass Cleaner/Activator RTU 4Oz. x 1
                              • AUTOSCRUB Cleansing Sponge x 1

                                  DEMO KIT

                                                Take two slides, holding   Take the slide that was   Take the scratched slide
            Scratch Resistance Demo             one slide horizontally, use   used for scratching the   and in the same manner
                                                the sharp edge of the other   horizontal slide and spray   as in step 1 above, try to
                                                                                            scratch the treated slide
                                                slide to scratch the f at   a little of RAIN Glass   (it will not scratch) - you
                                                surface of the horizontal   Sealant on the slide, then   should be able to feel
                                                                      wipe it of  with a micro
                                                slide.                f ber towel.          how much smoother the
                                                                                            treated slide is.
              Treated                  Untreated                  Hydrophobic Demo

              NANOSKIN RAIN glass treatment is NOT designed to make the glass fully   Treated  Untreated
              scratchproof, but is designed to provide a signif cant level of scratch resistance to
              the glass. It also shows that the NANOSKIN RAIN glass treatment is reactive and will   Take the pipette and gently place a drop of water on a treated and untreated
              readily adhere to the glass and reduce the coef  cient of friction so that the glass   slide. Compare the water beading on the untreated and treated slide. You should
              stays cleaner longer, clean up easier, and also aid in water removal from the glass.  see a big dif erence. This product is considered hydrophobic.
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