Page 25 - Nanoskin CATALOG 2020
P. 25

Interior Cleaner & Conditioner
                           CLEAN N’ SHINE              NANOSKIN CLEAN N’ SHINE Interior Cleaner & Conditioner easily removes dirt, grime and oily
                                                       soils from leather, plastic and vinyl while restoring a natural sheen/satin gloss to the surfaces
                           •  Cleans and shines at the same time  being cleaned without leaving oily and greasy residue. Time-saving, ready-to-use formula
                           •  Easily removes dirt, grime and oily soils from   cleans and shines at the same time. Proprietary conditioner prevents drying, fading and
                               leather, plastic and vinyl  cracking.
                           •  Restores a “like new” natural sheen
                           •  Proprietary conditioner prevents drying,
                              fading and cracking
                                                                    NA-CSE16  NA-CSE128  NA-CSE640  NA-CSE3840 NA-CSE7040
                                                                     16 Oz.   1 Gal.   5 Gal.  30 Gal.  55Gal.
             Hybrid Suspension Series

                           Exterior Trim, Bumper & Tire Gel               Trim & Bumper Gel Protectant
                           SPEEDY SHINE                                   BUMPER GEL

                           •  Non-sling formula                           • A thick, rich gel protectant
                           •  Imparts unbeatable gloss                    • Restores, protects, and enhances exterior trim of any color
                           •  For exterior use only                       • Great for plastic, rubber and vinyl exterior trim
                           SPEEDY SHINE Exterior Trim, Bumper & Tire Gel is the   BUMPER GEL is the solution to an issue that plagues almost
                           next generation shining agent from NANOSKIN. The   every vehicle manufactured in the last 30 years – dull, faded,
                           thick, water-based suspension formula provides a high   and discolored plastic exterior trim. This thick, gel-like formula
                           gloss shine on all exterior trium, bumper, tires and wheel   NA-BGL32  penetrates deep into the pores of plastic, rubber, and vinyl
                                                                     32 Oz.
                           wells. The ultra safe formula contains no petroleum   exterior trim, restoring the f nish to factory-new condition.
                           distillates or VOCs, which are known to crack vinyl   A traditional trim dressing might last a week or two if you’re
                           and rubber. SPEEDY SHINE’s safe, water-based formula   lucky; BUMPER GEL provides months of durable protection.
            NA-SSE16             16Oz.   delivers premium protection and an attractive shine.  Use BUMPER GEL on moldings, bumpers, windshield cowlings,
            NA-SSE128           1Gal.                                     louvers, air vents, wiper arms, window trim, mudguards, side
            NA-SSE640    5Gal.                                            mirror housings, bed rails, door handles, and more! The durable
            NA-SSE3840  30Gal.                                            UV inhibitors block the sun’s damaging rays, keeping your trim
            NA-SSE7040  55Gal.                                            looking new for months.
             Solvent Based Blend Series

                           VOC Tire Dressing     You have waxed and polished your vehicle, removed stains and odors and looked after the upholstery and leather.
                                                 Now it’s time to tackle the shine of your tires. Nothing gets noticed more quickly after waxing than your glossy tires.
                           WET LOOK              NANOSKIN WET LOOK VOC Tire Dressing is a super high shine, solvent based dressing for exterior surfaces. Brush
                                                 or sponge application is recommended. Quick dry, low sling-of  formula works great on wet tires. WET LOOK really
                           •  Super high shine   completes “the look” that auto detailers want.
                           •  Tire, rubber moldings & bumpers
                           •  Highlights your great looking
                                                 NA-WET16  NA-WET128  NA-WET640  NA-WET3840   NA-WET7040
                                                  16 Oz.   1 Gal.   5 Gal.  30Gal.  55Gal.
             Aerosol Series

                  Clear Coating Spray  WET  SHINE  Clear  coating  spray  is  a  clear,   Interior Spray Shine  GLOSS IT Interior Spray Shine is a clear,
                                     non-foaming  coating  which  provides  a  water-
                  WET SHINE          resistant  high  gloss  shine  to  the  surface.  It’s   GLOSS IT  non-foaming  coating  which  provides  a
                                                                                              water-resistant matt f nish to the surface.
                                     fast and easy to apply and leaves a briliant “wet
                  For Exterior Trim  shine“  f nish.  Specially  formulated  to  enhance   For Interior Trim  This  product  brightens  and  renews
                                                                                              any  plastic  surface.  Great  for  those
                                     the appearance of plastic surfaces. WET SHINE
                                                                                              hard-to-reach places.
                  •  No wiping required  brightens and renews any plastic surface. Great   •  No Wiping required
                  •  Work instantly  for those hard-to-reach places.      •  Works Instantly
                  •   Watermelon scent                                    •  Excellent on Plastic
                  •  Excellent on plastic                                 •  Clear and Odorless Formula
           NA-WSE12                                                 NA-GIT12
            12 Oz.                                                   12 Oz.
                         Leather & Vinyl Cleaner Professional Grade        Leather & Vinyl Treatment
                         LV RINSE                                                Leather & Vinyl Cleaner / Conditioner
                         •  Non-alkaline cleaning agents
                         •  Clean leather safely                                 NOURISH
                         •  Falls within the pH range of leather itself          •  One step leather cleaner and  conditioner with UV
                         •  Contains no waxes, oil or additives                     absorber
                         •  Loosens and suspends the dirt without                •  Contains the f nest natural oils for leather
                            leaving any deposits or impediments                  •  Leaves leather soft and supple
                         LV RINSE Leather & Vinyl Cleaner is a blend of  selected,   •  Restores new appearance and natural feel to leather
                         non-alkaline cleaning agents designed to clean leather   •  Makes scratches and abrasions less visible
                         safely and thoroughly without the harshness or potentially   •  Help penetrates, softens and lubricates leather
                         damaging ef ects of saddle soaps, which are alkaline. The   •  Easy to use:  Spray on and wipe of 
                         foaming action loosens and suspends the dirt so that it   NOURISH is a one step leather & vinyl cleaner and conditioner.
           NA-LVC16  NA-LVC128  can be easily rinsed away without leaving any deposits or
            16 Oz.   1 Gal.   impediments. Its balanced formula falls within the pH range   Its unique UV absorber help protect against premature aging
                                                                                 and damage from harmful UV rays. NOURISH contains the f nest
                         of leather itself, and therefore, is safer for leather. Since it is   natural oils for all type of leather, and it restores new appearance
                         alkaline-free it contributes to the prolongation of f ber life.  NA-NOU16  NA-NOU128
                                                                    16 Oz.   1 Gal.   and natural feel while leaving leather soft and supple. Its liquid
                                                                                 formula conditions and makes scratches & abrasions less visible.
                                                                                 NOURISH may be used on all interior leather, vinyl and plastic.
           NOTE  This product is not recommended for napped suede or glove soft leather.
                 Leather that has cracked from age or neglect cannot be restored by this or   NOT FOR USE ON NUBUCK OR SUEDE.
                 any other known product.                                                                           25
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