Page 13 - Sound Rides May 2022
P. 13

JIMS JOKES                                         Father talks to his

                                                              5-year-old son: “No,
                                                              Peter, you don’t have
                                                              to worry. There is no
                                                              monster sleeping
                                                              under your bed.
                                                              It sleeps in the bed
                                                              next to me.”

                                                                                                approaches his
                                                                                                wife, “Jenny, I
                                                                                                think I have a
                                                                                                Jenny smiles at
                                                                                                him kindly,
                                                                                                “Darling, your
                                                                                                problems are my
      An 80 year old man went to the doctor for a                                               problem also.
      check-up and the doctor was amazed at what good         Trouble shared is trouble halved. Tell me.”
      shape the guy was in. The doctor asked, "To what        “OK, “ says the husband, “in that case, we got the
      do you attribute your good health?"                     neighbor pregnant.”
      The old timer said, "I'm a dirt biker and that's why
      I'm in such good shape. I'm up well before daylight
      on Sundays and out sliding around corners,              I saw my wife at the
      "shootin" sand washes and riding up and down the        dam yesterday.
      steepest, gnarliest hills I can find at the crack of    Drat. I was hoping
      dawn."                                                  she might float a bit
      The doctor said, "Well, I'm sure that helps, but        more downstream.
      there's got to be more to it. How old was your dad
      when he died?" The old timer said, "Who said my
      dad's dead?"
      The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old                                         A nurse says to a new
      and your dad's still alive? How old is he?"                                            father, “Your baby is
      The old timer said, "He's 99 years old and, in fact,                                   very pretty.”
      he went riding with me this Sunday, and that's why                                     The father looks
      he's still alive... he's a dirt biker."                                                pleased, “Really?
      The doctor said, "Well, that's great, but I'm sure                                     Come on, don’t you
      there's more to it. How about your dad's dad? How                                      say this to
      old was he when he died?"                                                              everybody?”
      The old timer said, "Who said my grandpa's dead?"       The nurse shakes her head, “No, of course not.”
      The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old          The father wonders, “So what do you say if the
      and your grandfather's still living! How old is he?"    baby’s ugly?”
      The old timer said, "He's 117 years old."               The nurse smiles, “Then I say the baby really takes
      The doctor was getting frustrated at this point and     after its father.”
      said, "I guess he went dirt bikin' with you this
      Sunday too?"                                            Doctor: “Do you do
      The old timer said, "No... Grandpa couldn't go this     sports?”
      week because he got married."                           Patient: “Does sex
      The Doctor said in                                      count?”
      amazement, "Got                                         Doctor: “Yes.”
      married!! Good Lord!!!                                  Patient: “Then no.”
      Why would a 117-year-
      old guy want to get
      The old timer said,
      "Who said he wanted                                                           It really makes me mad when
      to?"                                                                          I hear idiots saying that
                                                                                    women belong in the kitchen.
                                                                                    Such crap. Who would clean
                                                                                    the rest of the house?!

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