Page 10 - Exhaust Notes February 2023
P. 10

Feb 2023 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 322                  

           Coffee Rides,
                                            Pot holes,

                                                                 & a Pro—Active Shire

           By Peter Barclay

         I had a phone call and an SMS message this morning (Thurs 19th) from Golden Plains Shire. Stay
         with me, I will explain.
         Well it was Wed. the 11th of Jan and it`s the "Where are we goin` today ride"  Also known as the
         "Wednesday Coffee Ride".
         Well this is not so much of a report on the ride itself but the result of this ride. Let me explain
         Well it was decided by democratic vote (How about the Red Dog Cafe in Bannockburn?) Yep that
         will do.
         So Mark is up at the pointy end, and I`m in the middle somewhere, with about 12 to 15 riders and
         we head off on our merry way, zig zagging out through Barrabool /Moriac way and end up on the
         Hamilton/Inverleigh/Cressy road. We turn right into Harvey Rd., then a left into Spring Creek Rd.
         Spring Creek road finishes on the Bannockburn/Teesdale/Shelford road just west of Bannockburn.
         These roads are well travelled by us in our many exploits of the bitumen. Sometimes a little gravel-
         -----(thanks Gentle)
         Now when we turn from Harvey road into Spring Creek road, Spring Creek road takes a bend to
         the right as soon as you leave the intersection. On our left, as you take this bend I noticed a ugly
         pot hole on our left. Normally you would cut this corner (plenty of on coming sight ahead). So most
         times not an issue! But if a vehicle was coming in the opposite direction to us, and we met them
         right on the bend, then guess what, your in our or very close to our small quarry! I.E. Large pot
         hole. Just in passing, I considered it a bike damaging hole, with a distinct possibilities of the bike
         and rider taking a tumble down the road. Yep, I reckon it was that bad! Also 100 meters/yards/
         large steps, on the right, on the edge of the bitumen was another nasty looking hole!
         Hmmm me thinks. I "gotta" do something about this!!!!
         Once home I rang the Golden Plains Shire and reported this road damage, stating that I considered
         it serious enough, that if it was not to be repaired ASAP that it should have signed/warning/road
         damaged indication shown. The young lady I spoke with took all the relevant info and even issued
         me with a reference number for my report.
         Hence todays phone call/SMS indicating that the road has been repaired. Well done Shire people.

         I guess if the general public does not put their hands up, they may not be aware of these problems.
         Especially after serious rain and the water gets in under the bitumen they are going to have heaps
         of problems to overcome.
         Anyways we had a great ride, good weather and I had a lovely cup of coffee and a potato cake at the
         Red Dog Cafe. (Note!---Potato Cake!!!! Not one of those dirty commie traitor potato scollop things-
         ------- be warned McDonalds the war is about to begin)

         Peter Barclay

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