Page 6 - Exhaust Notes February 2023
P. 6

Feb 2023 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 322                  

         As the next meeting is the Branch AGM, all members please bring along their membership card,
         which must be current.

         Treasurer’s Report:
         Income for the month $180; Expenditure for the month $1,131.95.
         Balance at 31 December 2022 of $ 8,456.59.
         Payments included the following:
         Email system $10.95
         13th Beach function reimbursements $150.00
         Manbo function reimbursements $195.00
         Poker Run reimbursements $130.00
         Lucky Number draw winner $200.00
         Christmas meeting dinner reimbursements $446.00

         Social Report:
         Twilight Ride, 22 January 2023, to Moriac Pub, leave Waurn Ponds Maccas at 5 pm. Bookings to Mal
         Stapleton by 15th January 2023. 24 booked so far.

         18th March will be function for Rob Ashmore’s 90th birthday.
         Sunday 12 March will be twilight ride TBA.

         April 29th will be overnighter to Commercial Hotel, Terang; $60 per head.

         Lucky number draw - $40. Jim Crerar drawn but not present. Jackpots to $60 next month.

         Ride Reports:
         Rides from the past month:
         No rides during Christmas / New Year break

         Rides for the next month:
         Sun 22/1, Twilight Ride to Moriac. 25+ km. Led by Mal Stapleton, Dinner at the Mt Moriac Hotel.

         Sun 5/2, No Ride. Members attending Ararat Police Memorial Ride.

         Wed 8/2, Midweek Ride *EARLY START* 8am, Led by Mark Nicoll, Destination: Woodend

         Welfare Report:
         No report. Jules P advised he had checked on P. Townsend and his ankle is healing up well.

         General Business:
         CPOTY Nominations close tonight
         2023 Committee Nominations close tonight

         Next Meeting: To be held on 15 February 2023 commencing at 7 p.m., is the Branch AGM. Meals
           from 6.00pm.

         Meeting closed at 7:35p.m.

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