Page 2 - Exhaust Notes February 2023
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Feb 2023 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 322                  

                                         February                                     INSIDE THIS ISSUE
                                           2023                                       President’s Report ............. 2
                                        Edition                                       Social Meeting .................... 4

                                                                                      AGM Positions 2023 .... 7
                                        No 322
                                                                                      Other Events
        ULYSSES CLUB INC – GEELONG BRANCH                                             Triathalon Event ................  8
                                                                                      Postal Voting Nat AGM ..... 8
        President’s Report for February 2023
                                                                                      Twilight Ride ...................... 9
        Hi Everyone
        Our Branch AGM is on this Wednesday 15  February at the Charles               Good News
        Hotham Hotel. Meals and socializing from 6.00pm and the AGM to                Road Repairs ...................... 10
                                                                                      R2R (unofficial) ................. 12
        follow. Fortunately we have nominations for all positions as you would        Ride Reports
        have seen from our Secretary Don Wilkinson’s recent emails.
                                                                                      Midweek Woodend ............ 15
        At the meeting we will also be presenting the Club Person of the Year         Forumotion links  ..............  19
        award and trophy, as well as Years of Membership badges.
                                                                                      Other News
         This week Don has also sent the information to everyone regarding            Social with Mal................... 20
        getting a voting form for the Committee positions on NATCOM. You              UCARF Raffle 2023 ........... 21
        may be aware that Robert Hunt is a Geelong Branch member and is               Buy Swap Sell Want ........... 22
        seeking re-election. As there are more people seeking positions on
        NATCOM than there are vacancies, all positions will be contested. If          New
        you can see the benefits of having a local on NATCOM, then I’d                News from Other Clubs
        encourage you to consider voting for “our” Rob.
                                                                                      Rules Rides and Rallies
        The organisers of the Geelong Triathlon on Sun March 26  have                 Riding Rules ....................... 25
        finally confirmed that they will be using our services for the cycling leg    Riding Calendar ................. 27
        of the Triathlon again. I still need more volunteers and there is one         VBC & Rally Calendar ........ 28
        position that does not require carrying a pillion. Please email me            Committee Contacts .......... 29
        ASAP if you can help out with this event,                                     Adverts
                                                                                      Twisted Moto Garage ......... 30
        Ride safe.
                                                                                      Motorcycle Shed ................ 31
        Cheers Jules.         Member # 62716

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