Page 16 - Exhaust Notes November
P. 16
November 2022 Exhaust Notes - Edition No 319
2004 was a very big and exciting year for the Geelong Branch. The Geelong Branch hosted the Ulysses National
AGM which was held at the Geelong Show Grounds with overflow camping extending into the neighbouring Geelong
Racecourse. With approximately 5100 attendees at the AGM, off-site accommodation was at a premium Geelong wide
with every bed in Geelong taken. From time to time at AGM’s I still come across someone wearing their Geelong AGM
jumper, and mine is still doing sterling service.
Also, in 2004 there were a number of Geelong members who were travelling down from the Werribee area for
rides, meetings, and other functions. They decided that they had the numbers to form their own branch, so the
Westgate Wanderers Branch was formed.
Some of our members have been honoured for their contributions to the club. We have four members who
have received the Telemachus Medal over the years: John Howie (2010) was very active in the branch for many
years and played a big role in the Geelong AGM; Alan Lewry (2011) was ride co-ordinator for many years and claimed
that it never rained on one of his rides; Rob Ashmore (2014) for being a long -term active member from day one, and
being a nice bloke; Graham Aitken (2018) was our Wednesday ride co-ordinator (that’s every Wednesday, with a
designated long ride once a month with the other Wednesdays being a “where will we go today?” ride). Last, but
certainly not least, we have Ron Howell who answers to the name of “Gentle”. Gentle was presented with the
Dearnley Medal in 2017. Gentle was president of the branch during 2011 and 2012. He has been ride co-ordinator for
many years and this year, wearing two hats, he has taken on the role of ride co-ordinator and president for the third
time of the Geelong Branch. (Should that read two hats or two helmets?) He continues to work very hard for the
Geelong Branch.
Now we have Rob Ashmore. Rob is in his mid 80’s and has been riding a bike continually since his teens. Rob was
one of the 13 people present at the first meeting and has been around since day one. Having joined the Ulysses club
in 1988, he has the distinction of having a 4-digit membership number. Rob is still an active riding member, wheeling
his trusty Yamaha out of the shed for regular club rides. He has been a bit quiet through the winter months because
of the cold, but as it warms up a bit he promises to be out and about, bearing in mind the spectre of COVID-19.
Today the Geelong Branch has approximately 75 active members. We conduct two monthly rides on a Sunday
each month. One is a “Longie” (up to 400km) and the other a “Shortie” (75-150km). On any Wednesday we have
our midweek ride. The members of the Geelong Branch are very lucky in their selection of riding roads. We have the
Otways, south of Geelong (which incorporates the Great Ocean Road) and the vast volcanic plain to the west. There
is the historic, gold-mining Central Victoria area north and north-west of Geelong, and if we head off a long day ride
or a multiday trip, we have available the roads east and north-east of the Melbourne area or to the mountains or
Gippsland. All are very special places to navigate.
So! In 12 years I promise to do a follow up story on 100 years since the official opening of the Great Ocean Road and
a story on the 37th year anniversary of the Geelong Branch.
Yes, watch this space!
Peter Barclay #17940
Anglesea Hill. 1959/2020