Page 3 - NLH Newsletter November 2022
P. 3

Presidents                                        members  from  Sydney  and  further  abroad,
                                                                these  events  are  well  worth  attending  and  if
                                                                you  get  the  opportunity  in  the  future,  do  so.
                   Report                                       There  are  quite  a  few  travel  stories  from  our

                                                                members  regarding  the  rain,  floods,  potholes
    Are  we  approaching  the  silly  season  or  the           and detours.
    festive  season,  either  way  Christmas  is  now           Did you see Joe Rider during October? Several
    only  a  matter  of  7  weeks  away.  Speaking  of          of our members participated in this motorcycle
    Christmas,  we  have  several  Christmas  events            road safety initiative and our thanks go out to
    coming  up,  the  first  will  be  our  usual  “First       them and the participating Local Councils, it is
    Wednesday ride for the month” for December                  a shame that Newcastle City Council was not
    where  we  traditionally  have  a  festive  lunch           one of them, they have a fair bit of catching up
    celebration. This year the date is the 7  and we            to do with motorcycle road safety.
    will end with a BBQ lunch at Blackalls Park                 I  hope  to  catch  up  with  you  at  our  social
    Reserve.  The  Branch  will  cater  for  the  BBQ           meeting  at  Wallsend  Diggers  Sports  Club  on
    and drinks, all you have to do is attend, wear              Saturday evening, the 12  November.
    your Chrissy shirt, bring a cup or mug if you
    want  a  cuppa  and  any  goodies  or  treats  you          Keep healthy and safe.
    may want to share with others.                              Mike Abberfield #8158
    Our second event will be the Branch Christmas
    Dinner  which  will  be  held  at  the  Duke  of
    Wellington  Hotel  in  New  Lambton  on
    Saturday  10   December.  The  cost  will  be
    $30.00  per  head  with  the  Branch  subsidising
    the  cost  by  $5.00  per  head.  A  flyer  detailing
    the  event  is  in  this  newsletter  with  the  most
    important thing to remember is the cut off date                            Happy birthday to-
    of  30   November,  so  get  in  quickly  and  pay
    your  money  and  advise  Secretary  John  that
    you  will  be  attending.  Don’t  forget  your
    Christmas shirt and decorations.
    Over the last month the branch has been able
    to  carry  out  all  of  the  calendar  events  with
    good  attendance  by  our  members.  A  special
    thanks the Mick/Matt for his efforts at the last
    mid-week ride for providing an a la carte BBQ
    for  lunch  at  Brooklyn,  well  done.  The  only
    downside was that I missed it.

    Our Brisans BBQ this month has been bought
    forward  to  the  12   at  the  request  of  Brisans.                   Wedding Anniversaries.
    Come along and join us for a Sanga sandwich,                       Congratulations to the following
    a drink and a chat. These events are proving to                              Branch Members
    be  very  beneficial  in  getting  the  Ulysses
    message out there and attracting new members
    to the branch.
    In  October  we  attended  the  Sydney  Branch
    Odyssey  in  Forbes  with  5  other  members  of
    our  branch.  It  turned  out  to  be  a  fantastic
    weekend  catching  up  with  other  Ulysses
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