Page 25 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 25
As Keith said we checked all nominators, seconders
MINUTES OF MEETING (CONTINUED) and nominees with NATCOM to ensure the elections
Ulysses St George Sutherland Branch Meeting were held correctly.
Minutes Treasurer’s Report: A monthly statement is available
Monday 14 February to all members who wish to see it. We don’t publish
our bank balances in the DR as it goes outside the
Branch. The books for the last 12 months are ready to
Attendance: 49
be audited prior to sending off to the Nat Treasurer.
Meeting was opened at 7.30 pm by President Craig Phil Morris has agreed to audit the accounts, thanks
Carfoot. He welcomed past National and Branch Phil. $1000 has been sent to UCARF as a donation.
Presidents, members and guests to our mtg. And a few drink is being put on tonight as part of the
Apologies: Gerry Bloeman, Steve Snee, Phil Brasher AGM.
Previous minutes: Accepted: No business arising. Ride Captain: We’ve got rides booked to the end of
May. The 30 Jan a Ride for Justice Ride was
President’s Report: He advised that the AGM and
something special with about 500 bikes all under
election for Committee positions for 2022 will be held
Police escort. The Relay for Life event and our
immediately after his report. On the Insight programme
particular involvement has been cancelled by the
on the SBS tomorrow night there is a segment about
Committee because of the Covid restrictions. We can’t
‘Grow old with Joy’. The Macarthur Branch was involved
ride with shared helmets, people with low immune
in the filming and interviews with members. It should be
systems etc. However, you can still donate to this
a good opportunity for the Ulysses Club nationally to
worthy cause.
show what we do. Regarding photos on the Website
Craig has been updating and refreshing links so it should 11-13 March is the Cruiser ride to Mudgee. The AGM/
be working better. Greg Melville has volunteered to National Rally Warwick on the 3-10 April, 15Aug to 9
take on the Publicity Officers role. Roger has done a Sept The Centre Ride. Contact Roger for more info on
marvellous job in the role for the past couple of years this ride.
taking us from the paper document to the electronic Quartermaster’s Report: John advised members he
version. A big thankyou for all your efforts. We need to has hats, caps, T shirts, everything. He wants to get rid
keep our website up-to-date and Craig will be working of as much as possible so go and deal with him.
on it for the time being. The roles isn’t difficult and have
Welfare Officer: Karen Lord is getting better and with
been made easier in the last 12 months but a few
Ted is here tonight. Paul Rees has had a heart attack
computer skills wouldn’t go astray. Really consider
on is in hospital and messages have been sent to him.
nominating, you’ll enjoy it.
Ron Jarvis and Phil Brasher are both going well.
We had a Committee mtg before this Branch mtg and
Temp Social Secretary: Organising a Ladies Barefoot
Craig would still like input from Branch Members on how
Bowls Day at Gymea Bowlo coming soon. Christmas in
would could improve on the Branch meetings.
July and a wine Tour tacked on. Social calendar is
Craig then paused the Branch Mtg at 7.35pm for the being developed for the rest of the year.
AGM. He handed over to Keith Moyle, the nominated
Webmaster: In the absence of a Webmaster please
Returning Officer.
note that the DR is available via the website.
Branch mtg resumed at 7.41pm.
Publicity Officer: A big thankyou to Roger for the last
Secretary’s Report: Full details are in the DR, but of three years bringing the DR up to a new height in its
special note are updates coming from the Warwick publication every month. Greg Melville will be taking
National Rally Committee who seem to be working really on the role in the new year. Thanks to Greg for putting
hard at making the Rally/AGM a success. Get on to their his hand up for this essential role.
site and portal under the Ulysses Club website.
The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club | 25