Page 24 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 24
MINUTES OF MEETING and seconder members to all members attending and
stated each nominee had previously declared they
were prepared to stand. The nominees and their
**********, 2022 proposer / seconder details were: (see table below)
Rob Tunnicliff advised the meeting, as Branch
Secretary, he had verified in writing with NATCOM that
Next meeting: 14 March 2022
all nominees, proposers and seconders were all
St George Sutherland Branch Annual General Meeting current and financial members of Ulysses. Without
Minutes 14 February 2022 any objections, Keith declared those uncontested
nominations successful.
Venue: Taren Point Bowling Club, Holt Road, Taren He thanked the past Committee members and the new
Point NSW 2022 Committee members. He then handed the chair
back to the President, Craig Carfoot.
Meeting opened: 7.35 pm by Keith Moyle as Returning
Officer There was no General Business.
Apologies: Nil Craig thanked Keith for doing a great job as the
Presiding Officer. He said it was an honour and a
Committee members in attendance: Craig Carfoot, Bill privilege to be elected President of such a great
Collaros, Rob Tunnicliff, Peter Monk, Roger Rieger and Ulysses Branch.
John Foley.
Attendance: 49 members
Meeting Closed: 7.42 pm
Previous Minutes
Because of Covid in 2021 there was no AGM for the
previous year.
Business arising from previous minutes
Nominee Member Position Proposer Member Seconder Member
Craig Carfoot 64635 President Rob Tunnicliff 63569 Martin Blankesteijn 65124
Rob Tunnicliff 63569 Secretary Craig Carfoot 64635 Martin Blankesteijn 65124
Jim Allison 50186 Treasurer Rob Tunnicliff 63569 Craig Carfoot 64635
Peter Monk 44836 Ride Captain Rob Tunnicliff 63569 Martin Blankesteijn 65124
John Foley 52918 Quartermaster Keith Moyle 63278 Norm Syme 46105
Publicity Officer
Social Secretary
Bill Collaros 64405 Welfare Officer Rob Tunnicliff 63569 Craig Carfoot 64635
President Craig Carfoot proposed longstanding Branch
member Keith Moyle as the Presiding Officer for the
Keith took the chair and declared all Committee Minutes prepared by Rob Tunnicliff.
positions vacant. He then advised members there had .
been one nomination for each vacancy, with the
exception of none for Publicity Officer, Webmaster and
Social Secretary. He then read the details of proposer
24 | The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club