Page 19 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 19

Evoke                                                Savic

                   We recently tested the Evoke Urban S           Savic is an Australian company that is ready to expand

                                                               Who said Aussie manufacturing was dead? This Melbourne-
          Evoke was founded in 2018, but it is quickly growing into an
          established electric motorcycle player. The Hong Kong-based   based firm unveiled its first concept back in 2018 at Moto
          firm has a presence in over 18 countries, including Australia,   Expo, however it is now gearing up to go into production,
          where its products are imported by Peter and Chris Hull. The   with a three-model launch slated for late 2022. The
                                                               company, founded and operated by Dennis Savic, recently
          brand’s Urban Classic and Urban S models are great
                                                               secured a significant funding grant from the Australian
          examples of affordable electric bikes with satisfactory
          performance. While early generations had some minor build-  Manufacturing Growth Centre. Savic’s electric high-
          quality issues, the company is improving every year and is   performance motorcycles appear to be made of quality
          one to watch.                                        parts, signalling a strong future.

                                                               Related: Bold Aussie electric motorcycle range readies for
          Related: Evoke Urban S Review
          Super Soco


            Super Soco is quickly moving up the global motorcycling

                                                                  Fonz makes affordable and practical electric scooters
          A subsidiary of global scooter manufacturer, Vmoto, Super
          Soco is a Chinese company that is quickly growing into an
                                                               Formerly called Fonzarelli, this is another Australian
          electric powerhouse. It specialises in affordable commuters
                                                               company that specialises in affordable electric scooters for
          and scooters, with the TC Max and the CPx scooter just two
          of its popular models. Vmoto’s Italian arm also recently   commuting. Based in Sydney, Fonz produces two traditional
          struck a deal with Aussie e-bike builder, Stealth Electric Bikes,   step-through electric scooters, as well as the Grom-like
          hinting at a potential plan to be a powerhouse of electric
                                                               Related: Fonzarelli launches electric motorcycle.
          Related: 2021 Super Soco CPx Review
                                                               To be continued next month

                                                               Article from Bike Sales  written by Dylan Ruddy  - 3 Aug 2021

                                                    The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club  |  19
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