Page 18 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 18
The new 2022 Livewire One
Harley-Davidson's LiveWire
In case you are out of the loop, LiveWire is a Harley-
Davidson spin-off company. But, while it will utilise H-D’s
Of course, many established players like BMW, Yamaha, extensive resources, LiveWire will operate as a standalone
Honda, Triumph, and Kawasaki have plenty going on brand. Its first model, the LiveWire One, is essentially a re-
behind the scenes, while other smaller companies like badged Harley-Davidson LiveWire, but we expect to see
Aussie-based Braaap are already supplementing their more models (both high-performance and practical) in the
existing ranges with electric models. near future. H-D’s revolutionary LiveWire is arguably the
best example of a high-performance electric motorcycle
we’ve seen so far on public roads. Is LiveWire destined to
But there is also a growing number of specialist electric be the Tesla of motorcycles? Time will tell…
motorcycle companies that have seen what Tesla has done
in the automotive world and want a piece of the action.
Related: Harley-Davidson spin-off reveals new 2022
LiveWire One electric motorcycle
The Damon Motorcycles Hypersport
Related Reading:
Five great electric bikes for sale right now Zero has been at the top of the electric game for a number
UK rings death knell for petrol motorcycles of years
Six reasons why we should embrace electric motorcycles
It would be fair to argue that whatever LiveWire is
So who will be the next superpower in the motorcycling currently doing, Zero did first. Founded in Santa Cruz in
world? Here are eleven electric motorcycle companies you 2006 by a former NASA engineer, Zero has long been a
should keep an eye on: leader in the electric motorcycle space race. Its range
includes street, supermoto, dual-sport and motocross
models, and it has also produced products for various
commercial uses. Zero was once imported into Australia
by Polaris, however that agreement is no longer.
Related: Zero Motorcycles unveil full-fairing electric SR/S
18 | The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club