Page 13 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 13
Now that a nice riding road!
Up state New York.
The Tremola Road over the Gotthard Pass, Switzerland
Motorbike Jokes Motorbike Jokes
Santa decided to ditch his sleigh to travel faster. He now Whenever I ride my motorcycle I always keep an
rides a Holly Davidson! excess of hay with me on the side of my motorcycle.
I always use hay to increase the horsepower of my
Adams girlfriend, Ruth, fell off the back of his mo-
torcycle. He just rode on. Ruthless.
I used to own a motorcycle which couldn't go any-
My brother once took his motorcycle to the doctor.
where. Later I found out that the reason being it
He wanted to give it a fuel injection!
was two tired.
The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club | 13