Page 11 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 11
serving at the Bakery thought otherwise and masks
After a leisurely time there the majority of the group were donned as requested. Pies and coffee all around
followed me back through the full length of the RNP on the balcony before we were back on the bikes
with surprisingly almost no traffic, a great run and a headed to Thirlmere.
great, shortish, ride with a whole lot of our fantastic Beat took us around the back way into Picton to avoid
members attending, thanks for coming everyone, and traffic and from there we went over Razorback and
thanks to my two TEC’s. through Douglas Park before stopping at Appin to fuel
up. $1.85 v $2.14 although by the time we got back
past the Mobil Heathcote they had dropped 95 Ron to
under $2.
PS. Keith got his radio working again at the Café, it
looked like a “dickie” connection….all good.
Phil “Smoko” Morris
Hill Top
Anyway, an enjoyable little run and thanks to Beat
19/02/2022 and Al for the great company.
Jim Allison
Exactly as forecast, the heavy overnight showers were
starting to clear as I approached the Mobil at Thirlmere
Heathcote to find that Beat was the only one there. 22 February 2022 FJRs Rule!
We both know from experience that once we get on
to Appin Road the roads will dry up so we reckon it’s Yet another rainy day , and TT was the only other
worth risking a shower to get a ride in.
Whoa! 95 Ron petrol is $2.14!!! Top up enough for a rider to turn up for the weekly coffee ride from
Heathcote. There’s a reason why we were both there
short run, Appin always has cheaper petrol so we can and you need look no further than our slightly aged
fill up there.
but none the less comfortable and reliable FJRs.
A short time later Allan Young turns up on his very I’d be the first to admit riding in the rain can be
schmick Harley which he seems to be able to get out
uncomfortable but the weather protection afforded
on a bit more these days. by the FJR’s fairing and screen makes it as
So that’s it, 3 of us deciding to go to Hill Top for coffee
via the “Y” towns. As expected half way down Appin comfortable as it can be. Together with a full set of
wet weather gear, including boot overcovers, wet
Road it was dry and we had a good run to Broughton weather riding is still enjoyable as far as I’m
Pass, down the Freeway to the Avon Dam turnoff and
concerned and it beats sitting at home hands down!
on to Colo Vale and Hill Top.
You won’t need a mask they said, but the young lady So with the advantage of 2 off the best wet
The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club | 11