Page 6 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 6

Publicity Officer’s News

            We have here the first of the 2022 editions with me as
            the Publicity Officer.  I am looking forward to the
            Thank you Roger for the impressive improvements to
            the DR over the past years, the splendid handover and
            the formatting of the DR for the remaining year.  That
            really took the pressure off me.
            The ride reports are a bit light on for February. There
            are lots of legitimate reasons why such as covid or
            travel restrictions and now 2 weeks of wet weather.
            Therefore, you may find some magazine ‘fillers’ and
            jokes to fill the shortfall. I would prefer to keep the
            magazine content relevant to us, so if you have interest
            stories etc let me know.
            Please remember that I still have my L plates and really
            would appreciate early reports and pics so I can learn
            (stress free) and massage them into the DR.  This month
            I haven't chased anyone for reports but that may
            change in the future.

            I still have a lot of learning to do, so be patient and
            please point out mistakes to me otherwise I won’t learn.
            The DR will be available on our website and on the
            Club’s Facebook page  (as always). Please note the
            deadline for Ride Reports and other contributions for
            the DR is the  last  Monday of each month at 5pm.
            Please keep your contributions coming in.
            Greg Melville 22456

        6  |  The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club
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