Page 10 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 10

RIDE REPORTS                                              banter while we waited for anyone else to show


         12 February 2022

         Today was supposed to be my ride to Culburra for lunch
         at the Bowling Club and to take to opportunity to meet
         up with some of our southern branch members.  But the
         weather had different ideas.  An early morning check on
         the weather app indicated showers and the radar
         showed some heavy activity down the south coast.  The
         old look out the window trick confirmed technology
         outputs with skies grey and overcast.  A quick message
                                                                  By the time I was ready to give my ride
         to the prez in Culburra and it was confirmed rain was
         set in, so change of plan a ride to Thirlmere as originally   instructions we had 21 bikes and one female
         proposed with a review of the situation n at morning     pillion, Leslie with Owen. The weather was just
         tea.                                                     about perfect for our ride which went down
         At departure time we had about ten riders and it was     through Waterfall, avoiding the marked highway
         great to see three of our newer and younger members      patrol car hiding in the bush just near the toll
         joining in as well as having Chris Potter join us.       booth entrance, and yelling “Blue Light” over the
                                                                  radio to warn the following riders.
         Given the roads were damp it was a simple route along
         roads well used.  Down to OPH to Appin Road, through     Speaking of radios, my new Tail End Charlie, Keith
         Broughton Pass and Douglas Park.  From here it we        Moyle did a radio check in the servo…all fine, only
         travelled through Cawdor, the Mt Hunter and The Oaks     to discover on the road he could receive, but not
         where we followed Montpelier Drive onto Barker Lodge     transmit, making him a silent TEC, Jim Allison was
         Road then onto Ferguson Road to take us into             near the back of the pack, so took over the roll for
         Thirlmere.                                               me, thanks mate.
         We had a good run without too much traffic. A very       Anyway, through the RNP back up to the OPH
         enjoyable break was had by all and it was agreed we      down to Picton Rd. onto Mt. Keira, Harry Graham
         would head off home from here and not tempt fate by      Dr. through Mt Kembla to the Princes Hwy.
         continuing on.  We head into Picton via some back        turning left, and going along until we went back up
         roads then over Razorback and through Menangle to        Mt. Keira Rd. turning right onto Clive Bissell Dr.
         Broughton Pass, Appin and home via the OPH.              and back along the OPH to Lime Leaf Café, which
         We had a great ride with only the very odd drop of rain   I’d rung from the servo to warn them about our
                                                                  rather large group arriving for coffees and eats
         and that was because most of the guys had donned the
         wet weather gear before we left Heathcote so of course   etc.

         we didn’t get any wet weather.
         Hope to catch up with you on a ride soon.
         Cheers  Keith

         Lime Leaf Café (via the long way)
         Tuesday 15  Feb. 2022

         This was supposed to be just another Tuesday coffee
         ride, but somehow, I got “volunteered” during the
         Monday night Club AGM meeting to be the ride leader
         in the morning, not problem, as I hadn’t done it for a
          Arriving at the Ampol servo about 8:30am I could see
         the usual group of bikes and riders, so joined in on the

        10  |  The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club
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