Page 12 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 12
weather bikes around we headed off , in only a very
slight drizzle. The Old Princess Highway corners taken
at a slightly slower pace as we found our way on to
Appin Road.
As usual nearing Appin the road was drying out and we
could take the corners approaching Broughton Pass as
quick as we wanted to although there are those among
our regular riders who would have easily overtaken us
on lighter sports bikes.
Douglas Park where there were obvious signs of the
earlier deluge , onto Menagle Road and into Picton .
Left on the Prince Street wooden bridge and into
Thirlmere. I think the proprietor at Off The Rails was
Bangor Tavern Wednesday
1 kg Chicken Wings
disappointed to see only 1 rider looking for coffee and a
bacon & egg roll, not the usual crowd we turn up with! 23 February 2022
The rain held off as we returned over Razorback and it
was only as we past the freeway overpass approaching
Well Wednesday Wings got changed to Bangor
Helensburg that we ran out of luck. It absolutely
Barramundi when Bangor Tavern changed their menus..
bucketed down for 3-4 minutes before settling in to a 15/16 members turned up and had a selection of lunches
regular drizzle the rest of the way home. and we solved the worries of the world including COVID.
We still had a good day out , worked on our wet
weather riding skills and just enjoyed the ride. Nine
times out of ten wet weather seems to fade away when
we travel west on Appin Road so it’s worth the effort to
dress appropriately and take the chance – you could be
missing out!
Thanks TT- FJRs Rule (in the wet)!
Jim Allison
12 | The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club