Page 8 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 8
Local Businesses
Thumbs Up or
Thumbs Down
There been some discussion that since we visit the Off
The Rails at Thirlmere, the club should buy shares in
the business. What do you say Mr Treasurer?
I think Off The Rails is a thumbs up.
What do you get from a pampered cow?
Spoiled milk!
Why are frogs so happy?
They eat whatever bugs them!
What's worse than finding a worm in your ap-
Finding half a worm!
Why did police arrest the turkey?
Because they suspected him of fowl play!
Did you hear about the two guys who stole a
They each got six months!
What time do ducks get up in the morning?
At the quack of dawn!
8 | The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club