Page 3 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 3

COMMITTEE                                            and the possibility of taking it over,
                                                             please feel free to call me.
        NEWS                                                 As for the Branch meeting, there is

                                                             not a whole lot to report, given the
                                                             brevity of it, other that we have
        President’s News                                     several great rides coming up and
                                                             Michelle is in the process of
        Hi everyone,                                         organising a Ladies Barefoot Bowls
        There was an excellent turn-out of 50 members and    (or lunch) outing at the Gymea bowling Club, which
        guests at the Branch meeting and AGM, which was      will coincide with the Warwick Rally ride in April so
        rather surprising given it was Valentine’s Day! Well   keep an eye out for that.
        done to those who didn't attend as I can only assume   Thanks go to Nippy Norm for resurrecting the
        that you were out wining and dining you significant   Wings@Bangor lunch. We had our first outing for
        other in celebration of Valentine’s Day.             2022 on the 23  February and had 15 members in
                                                             attendance. It was a great afternoon for food and
        For those of you who were there at the meeting I
        think that I can say that I hold the record for the   friendship. It is planned that this will be a monthly
        fastest Branch meeting ever:  35 minutes, which      event however it may move to the last Friday of the
        included the AGM! Not a bad effort if I do say so    month as the Tavern has moved their wings offer to
        myself!                                              Fridays. Just because it is called a Wings lunch the
                                                             choice of tucker is purely yours to make!
        Thanks to Keith Moyle for taking over and running the
        AGM which in all honestly was a formality with       In closing I want to again take the opportunity to
        everyone returned except for Roger Rieger who stood   thank Roger for all that he has done over the past 3
        down as Publicity Officer.                           years in the Publicity Officer role. Roger not only
                                                             created a DR every month throughout the pandemic
        Thanks again to all the outgoing/incoming Committee   when content was negligible or non-existent, but he
        members for their support over the past two years    moved the DR from print media to an online format
        and for stepping forward again for 2022. For those   which was no small effort. Thanks Roger.
        who are new members or don’t know, the Committee
        members endorsed (as there was only one              Well hopefully the rest of 2022 will continue to be
        nomination per position) for 2022 are:               as steady and stable as the beginning has been and
                                                             that we will be able to have a great year of rides and
                                                             social events.

            President – Craig Carfoot                        Stay safe everyone.
            Secretary – Rob Tunnicliff                       CC #64635

            Treasurer – Jim Allison
                                                              Craig Carfoot
            Social Secretary – Michelle Garrett

            Ride Captain – Peter Monk                        Secretary’s News
            Welfare Officer – Bill Collaros                  Just when things were getting back to normal, COVID
                                                             took another turn in a different direction requiring more
            Quartermaster – John Foley
                                                             rules and for many, less opportunity to get out and about.
            Webmaster – No Nominee                           The January mtg had numbers well down from usual,
                                                             including the absence of President Craig who was
            Publicity Officer – No Nominee                   preparing to fly north and couldn’t risk a ‘casual contact’.

                                                             The 2022 National Rally in Warwick Qld, which
                                                             commences on the 4 April, has opened itself up for
        Following the meeting it was very pleasing to see that
        Greg Melville officially came forward to be our new   registration through a specific portal.  Please go to the
                                                             Ulysses website for more info. Also check our own StGS
        Publicity Officer and was unanimously endorsed for
                                                             Ulysses website for all the latest info and details on when
        the position. I want to thank Greg and welcome him
                                                             and how the Branch is organising a group of us to attend.
        to the Committee. Welcome!                           Or speak to Keith Moyle who is organising everything.
        I will continue to do the Webmaster role for the time
        being but if anyone is interested in discussing the role

                                                     The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club  |  3
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