Page 4 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 4

                                                                    Officer – congratulations Greg.
            The nominations for the National Committee for 2022, have
            been finalised and as there is only one nomination for each   As always , a statement of Branch Finances will be
            position there won’t be a need to hold an election at the   available to members at the March meeting so if
            AGM. The same situation has occurred with this Branch, in   your interested to know how we are travelling, as
            fact, we are still looking for nominations for the Webmaster   TT would say “come and see me”!!
            and Publicity Officers positions. But there’s nothing stopping
                                                                    Jim Allison   50186
            you from nominating for the Branch Committee at any time,
            just see President Craig and the Committee can decide when
            filling a casual vacancy.
                                                                    Ride Captain’s News
            NATCOM have also reminded me to spread the word that if
            we were to get any new members please get them to go to   Well here we go again, with another Ride
            the website and download the new and   Captains Report to keep you informed of all
            updated membership forms from there. Old ones have the   current plans and Rides away – or just check out
            wrong information re fees, addresses for HQ and if submitted
            by post or even an attached email still have to be moved   the Web Site – a lot easier..
            manually across to the database by administrative staff.    Rides are now booked up till the end of June – a
            Submitting the new forms using the website fixes all these
            issues. And it was most pleasing to see two new members at   very special thanks to all the volunteers that
            the last mtg, Lee and Warwick. Say hello to them on your next   gladly offered their services rather than me trying
            ride with them. Keep recruiting.                        to pull teeth and trying to force them into
            I’ve been contacted by a member of the public who is slightly
                                                                    submission – great atmosphere and really
            handicapped but would love to go for a ride with the club.  He
                                                                    appreciated by me & my secretary Roger R. + our
            has previously ridden bikes and has all his own gear and lives
            near Oyster Bay.  I’ve told him I would mention it in this   Goanna entertainment companion. Some great
            report and at a Branch mtg but with present COVID       Rides are coming up, which will include the
            restrictions and fears I would doubt any member would be   following away Rides:
            prepared to take the risk at the moment.  He got back to me                          th
                                                                    “Ride for Justice”: held on 30  January.
            and said he understood and that maybe at some time in the
            future. I have all his details so please give it some thought for   Simon Bouda, again held a well organised Ride
            the future.                                             with Police escorts, for the Homicide Victim

            The Postie Bike Challenge is on again this year 3-13 Sept and   Support Group with nearly 500 motorcyclists. A
            is running from Brisbane to Alice Springs via Birdsville.  What   great venue from Eastern Creek Motorsport Park
            a trip that would be for any rider.  See their website, or me,   to Garrawarra –near Helensburgh, their original
            for details.                                            Home & Crisis Centre for distraught families &

            See you on a ride, to somewhere, anywhere!              friends. Well done and Simon was also presented
                                                                    his Order of Australia for services to the Media
            Rob Tunnicliff  63569                                   and Charitable efforts – very well deserved.

                                                                    “Cruiser  Ride to Mudgee”: 11-13  March.

            Treasurer’s News                                        Bill Collaros is leading an easy Ride to the
                                                                    beautiful Mudgee Valleys, and Vineyards. This is
            Do you know a business or Professional Service that
                                                                    well supported and if considering going you
            would benefit from advertising to our members in the
            DR? Cost can be as low as $10 per month for a business   should book accommodation a.s.a.p. You don’t
            card size advertisement so that’s a real bargain for local   need to Ride, but can come by Car, with family
            businesses. Contact myself or the Committee if you      and /or friends. Phone Bill to confirm. (info is on
            have a suggestion.                                      Web Site).

            For those that attended the AGM  Michelle had drinks
            vouchers and it was a pretty good turnout with most of

            the committee staying on board and a new Publicity

        4  |  The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club
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