Page 5 - St George Branch March 2022
P. 5

“Ulysses A.G.M.” to be held at Warrick                  Quartermaster’s News
            Queensland 3-10  April.
                                                                    I still have  ladies gear in different sizes.  I will let
            Keith Moyle is leading a group of Riders north to Qld for   them go for a small price because we have had
            the A.G.M. Accommodation is getting tight, so please if   them for a few years. I have in stock red and black
            considering please contact Keith a.s.a.p.              tee shirts and red and black caps plus men’s gear
            “Relay for Life” will be held at Wanda Beach: 30       in all sizes.
            April:                                                 John Foley

            We normally took Survivors and Carers of Cancer as
            pillions to Kurnell and back, but with Covid problems,
            our participation has been cancelled due to sharing of   Social Secretary’s News
            helmets, and risks of spreading the virus. That doesn’t
                                                                   Hi Everyone
            stop you from going – it is an amazing festival, with
                                                                    With COVID hopefully well and truly behind us
            dancing, rumba, bands and entertainment –[ all your
                                                                   fingers crossed. I have the first ladies day for
            support will still be appreciated.
            “The Red Centre, Darwin & Central Queensland            This event is for the ladies looking at Barefoot
            Ride” 23  Aug – 16  Sept.                              Bowls at Gymea Bowling Club.
            Roger Rieger has organised an amazing journey through   Date 03 April 2022 (Sunday)
            central Australia, with many sightseeing events. This is   Lunch at 1.00pm in Mikes Bar & Grill – Gymea
            not a race or mad rush Bike Rally, but to enjoy most our   Bowling Club.
            magnificent outback scenery and enjoy some real        Bowling at 3.00pm depending on numbers will
            Country Hospitality. Again Bookings must be secured    cost approx $12-$15.00 per person as we need 15
            a.s.a.p. as accommodation will be scares with          people to play otherwise we will have lunch and a
            relaxations of Covid. Call Roger for more info and     chat.
            detailed spreadsheets on accommodation & scenic         If anyone has any ideas for days out or activities
            tours. (See Web Site).                                 that you  would like to do please let me know

                                                                   Always looking for new ideas
            Well apart from all the above there is not much a
            happening.                                              Look forward to seeing you all soon.
                                                                   Kind Regards    Michelle Garrett
            See you all on a Ride as soon as I can, after my moving
            dilemma is finished.

            Cheers,                                                Welfare Officer’s News

            Ride Captain.                                          Dear Members,

            Peter Monk    44836                                     I hope you are all well as we lead out of the strict
                                                                   covid restrictions for a 3rd time.

                                                                    I am happy to see Norms Men’s counselling
            Webmaster’s News
                                                                   session at The Bangor tavern is back and also to
             Same                                                  report that Judder Barton after a big health scare
                                                                   and visit to ICU is doing much better.
            Vacant Position
                                                                    Stay safe out there on the roads and let me know
                                                                   if anyone is not well or needs the clubs help..

                                                                    Sniper Welfare Officer.  Bill Collaros  64405

                                                     The magazine of the St George Sutherland Branch of the Ulysses Club  |  5
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