Page 2 - Sound Rides February 2022
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President Report February 2022:
We’ve kissed our busy January goodbye and welcome to February where there is fun frivolity to be
shared. Just a re-cap on January, all the volunteers for the sausage sizzle fund-raiser worked their
butts off for our Branch. This means we will be able to continue to donate to those less fortunate and
need a little help and continue with our subsidised social events… Our Australia Day BBQ Brekky @
the foreshore was well attended and once again without your efforts of assistance would not have
been available, thank you to our devoted “vollies”. The wine & cheese night was a cool and enjoyable
evening with ambience, good friends and plenty of platters. February holds more various rides and our
social nights look quite entertaining. Looking forward, we will be organising the Black Dog ride in
March and our Branch AGM will be held in May this year too so details will be finalised soon. If anyone
is interested in leading our Branch as President, Secretary, Treasurer or you may like to be on the
Ordinary Committee, please let us know. When we have the Nomination forms ready, we will proceed
from there. Meanwhile… See you soon in the great outdoors!
Always take care, be aware and
be kind to each other.
Julie Wilcox #35151
Telemachus Medalist #64
Warnbro Sound Wanderers
Secretary Report February 2022
Hi Everyone,
Well it’s been another month of hot rides. Dianna & I were surprised how many followed us to
Donnybrook the other day, with 36 degrees forecast. Then when we arrived the bakery was shut for
Chinese New year, so no apple pies. It wasn’t too bad when we were riding along, but it was pretty
warm when we stopped. On the next few rides, don’t forget your masks and certificates or service WA
apps on your phones. Probably a good idea to keep a couple of spare masks on your bike, & luckily
we have some Ulysses ones in the gear shop now (see page 3).
Chris, Secretary
Warnbro Sound Wanderers Branch
2022 March 20 - Black Dog 1 Dayer Baldivis
April 4th - 10th National Rally Warwick QLD
June 4th-6th WA Rally Kalbarri. Red Bluff Tourist Park.
September 24th - 26th Geraldton Odyssey Hosted by Geraldton.
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