Page 17 - Shining On Winter 2022
P. 17

BMW Club meeting in Berlin (Keith Alexander)
           BMW MOTORRAD DAYS, JULY 2022. This wasn’t a Ulysses trip, but as a lot of members ride BMWs I
           thought you might be interested in BMW’s official annual international meet. The event used to take
           place in Garmisch, but thanks to Covid and BMW management (they wanted the event closer to the
           factory) the 2022 event was held at the Summer Garden in Berlin.

                                                                As I haven’t toured abroad for several years I
                                                                thought this would be a good way to get back into
                                                                European travel, as all you need to do is book
                                                                your place. The ferry and 4 star hotels (with
                                                                breakfast) are all included in the price. The only
                                                                expenses once the trip is paid for are petrol,
                                                                lunches & drinks. Routes are planned and sent in
                                                                printed format and downloadable to your sat nav,
                                                                but you can go your own way if you wish and
                                                                meet at the pre-booked hotels.
                                                                Wednesday 29th June

                                                                The tour started with the overnight ferry from
                                                                Harwich (a ferry option from Hull is also available).
                                                                Once I found my cabin I headed to the bar for
           refreshment and a chat with the tour team and other people on the trip, this is when I discovered I’d
           forgotten to pack my toothbrush and deodorant, so I didn’t think too many people would want to get to
           close for a chat!

           Thursday 30th June (265 miles)
           The ferry disembarked at 8am so the boat alarm
           sounds at 6 to allow enough time to get ready and
           have breakfast before you leave. It also means the
           shops are open so I could buy the necessary
           deodorant and toothbrush, so perhaps someone
           would talk to me at breakfast. Tour leaders were
           waiting in the ferry terminal car park for those that
           wanted to follow an official tour guide, and I went
           for this option. It turned out to be a good choice as
           my Garmin Nav4 decided to play up and just had
           a straight line from the ferry port to the first stop
           (you need to import the GPX waypoints into the satnav’s Trip Planner app to calculate the route, Ba).
                                                    The first overnight stop was to be in Bremen, 265 miles away.
                                                    It was hot, 30 plus degrees, and the speed limits in Holland
                                                    don’t allow a lot of airflow to cool you down. First coffee stop
                                                    was at the bridge in Arnhem - “A Bridge Too Far”. A look
                                                    around the museum and a coffee and cake later we were back
                                                    on the road. I don’t think the Dutch are keen on motorised
                                                    vehicles, with low speed limits (60 mph on motorways) and
                                                    kamikaze cyclists who don’t stop or get out of the way for
                                                    After another couple of stops for lunch and coffee with heavy
                                                    traffic most of the way we reached Bremen in the rush hour
                                                    and had to get to the opposite side of the city to the hotel. I’m
                                                    not a fan of riding in cities, especially when they have cobbles
                                                    and tram lines. The reason for using city hotels was because
                                                    all the hotels used for the BMW official tours are a minimum 4
                                                    star rating to cater for the expectations of your average BMW
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