Page 22 - Shining On Winter 2022
P. 22

across France and back, touring if not quickly then
                                                                at least quite happily. So I was extremely unhappy
                                                                when mine was nicked, from right under my
                                                                bedroom window in broad daylight, just outside
                                                                the halls of residence.

                                                                Luckily my insurers didn’t quibble, so, with fond
                                                                memories of the various little Yamahas I’d owned
                                                                or borrowed, I bought a cute little RS200, a
                                                                two-stroke twin with a single carb and reed valve.
                                                                Several issues ago I told you about my YD200, a
                                                                really fiery little twin-carb bike with a tendency to
                                                                foul plugs in town but go like a rocket when revved
                                                                hard. This was the opposite - less power, and not

           so rev-happy, but it ran cleanly and beautifully in
           stop-start London traffic and had a lot of mid-range
           torque and flexibility for a little motor, ideal. It also
           had the same sweet gearbox and easy handling.
           This is a library pic - mine was actually a lighter
           powder blue, and although it was a bit “girly” (can I
           still say that?) it proved to be a great little bike.

           Sadly it died when someone swapping lanes
           without looking sideswiped me. You can be as
           careful as you like (and I was) but that sort of thing
           can still happen, especially in manic London.
           Luckily an off duty copper saw it happen and
           stopped so I had a first class witness! This accident

                                                                              took a bit longer to recover from
                                                                              though, during which I couldn’t ride,
                                                                              then twin babies came along and
                                                                              put paid to buying even a rat bike
                                                                              on a student grant, so I finished my
                                                                              college days using the
                                                                              soul-destroying Underground.
                                                                              Although I do agree the stylised
                                                                              map is a masterpiece!
                                                                              Next issue we move on to 1988, my
                                                                              first job after graduating, my first
                                                                              proper salary in 7 years, and a
                                                                              welcome return to bigger bikes…

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