Page 26 - Exhaust Notes April 23
P. 26
April 2023 Exhaust Notes - Edition No 324
Passing the Theory Exams was not easy but l Passed them at Ground School.
Going Solo was an important day in my life as I had demonstrated to many others that l could achieve the impossible .. the vital
CASA medical was approved and was only one level below a Commercial Pilot .. the Doctors were amazed saying despite the
previous injuries there was nothing to prevent me meeting the standards for flying in Controlled Airspace .. l was amongst the
oldest student pilots at Moorabbin Airport, “we can’t call it a miracle but you can” said the doctors
I am also the Vice President of the Victorian Police Motorcycle Club called the Blue Knights where l am looking after new
members joining up .. l am known as ‘SCOOTA’ there and just come back from a month in Tasmania
I am sorry if my riding skills offend anyone but I hate hitting Pot Holes and swerve without notice on club rides .. FJR1300 front
end is costly to repair
Looking forward to the Commonwealth Games Events in Geelong 2026 where l would love to use my skills in the Tri-Athlon
Judge Transport
Dennis Petersen
0413 867 662