Page 2 - Sound Rides Nov 2022
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      President Report November 2022:
      Where did October go? November & December here we come! Hopefully not sliding sideways, but rid-
      ing headlong into them. Our Christmas party tickets are still available and it looks to be another great
      one. Looking ahead, on the 8th December we have a Community Fair evening at Baldivis Bunnings
      where different community groups will get together and show off their wares. We’ll be there promoting
      the Ulysses club.
      Have you already booked for the 2023 Odyssey? I suggest you do really soon as the accommodation
      will fill up in the area as there are other events on that weekend: 22nd – 25th September. Seaspray
      Beach Holiday park Dongara. See the Waffle and the Newsletter for further info. Everyone who went to
      the Geraldton Odyssey had a great time. Wildflower sightseeing, Geraldton sightseeing, Car Show &
      Shine with time trials in Dongara, relaxing, eating, drinking and copious amounts of laughter. If you
      are an Ulyssean, then you know how to party!
      There are more great rides on the agenda, so I hope to see you out and about.
      Always take care, be aware and be kind to each other.

      Julie Wilcox #35151Telemachus Medalist #64
      President  Warnbro Sound Wanderers
      Ulysses Club Inc

                                                 Secretary Report November 2022
                             Hi Everyone,
                             I was pleased to hear there was a good turnout for the breakfast club at Bistro
                             on the Dam. Dianna & I had hoped to make it but had a few hard days at work,
                             & didn’t wake up till 8.30! We (Dianna) have been busy planning a NZ trip so
                             have had a few late nights as well. We should have some photos in next months

                             Enjoy the lovely spring weather heading our way.

                             Secretary, Warnbro Sound Wanderers Branch

                                           UPCOMING EVENTS
     2023 WA Rally Carnarvon June 2nd 3rd 4th
     Coral Coast caravan park.

     2023 September 22nd - 25th  Dongara Odyssey
     Hosted by Fremantle at Dongara at the Seaspray Beach Holiday Park.
     There are other events in the area that weekend so BOOK NOW as local accommodation will fill up!
     Call direct on 9927 1165 and tell them you are with Ulysses. There is everything from chalets,
     apartments and motel rooms, to powered sites with ensuites.
     Alternatively there is the Dongara hotel which is only a kilometer away.
     Some great rides and activities are already being planned so we look forward to seeing you there.
     Cheers Julie Dally Fremantle President.
     Don't miss out on a great weekend! Book now!!!

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