Page 7 - Sound Rides Nov 2022
P. 7

16-10-22 Triumph Day @ Whiteman park

      Ever thought about travelling around Aus? Read on….

      We clocked 6 months on the road on 4/10/2022 and I’ve see a couple of   people do these and
      thought I’d chuck our info out there if anyone wanted to know.
      Fuel: $7,208.47 Our average for fuel is around $2.10, in some places paying between $2.80-2.90!
      Food: $7,210.51 This total includes eating out, takeaway but mainly grocery shops.
      Activities: $1,499.22 Small activities such as buying new clothes, snorkels, tours anything fun we
      wanted to do.
      Accommodation: $1,213.43 We tried to free camp as much as we can! This was much less than I
      thought it was going to be, WA coast can be very expensive.
      Dogs: $690.46 This includes anything to do with the dogs, their food, bowls, leads and toys.
      Car/trailer: $2,112.61 We had a few issues with the car at the start of our trip, but luckily for us we
      haven’t had any major issues.
      Gas/water: $70.00
      Total: $20,004.70
      Weekly average: $769.40 (weekly budget $750.00) KM travelled:
      Instagram: @campinaus Free Campers Australia Facebook

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