Page 12 - Sound Rides Nov 2022
P. 12

Two Irish couples  decided to swap partners for the

             JIMS JOKES                                      After 3 hours of amazing sex, Paddy says  "I

                                                             wonder how the girls are getting  on".

                                                                          Paddy takes his new  wife to bed on
    Paddy  calls Easyjet to book a flight.                   their wedding night. She  undresses, lies on the
                                                             bed spread-eagled and  says "You know what I
    The  operator asks "How many people are flying           want, don't you?"  "Yeah," says Paddy. "The whole
    with  you?"                                              bed  by the looks of it!"
    Paddy replies "I don't know! It's  your bloody

                                                             Paddy, the  electrician, got
                                                              sacked from the U.S.  prison
    Paddy  and Murphy are working on a building site.    service for not servicing the
    Paddy says to Murphy "I'm gonna have the                 electric  chair. He said in his
    day  off. I'm gonna pretend I'm mad!"                    professional  opinion it was a
    He  climbs up the rafters, hangs upside down             death trap!
    and  shouts "I'M A LIGHT BULB! I'M A
    Murphy watches in
    The Foreman shouts                                       Paddy, the Irish
    "Paddy you're mad,                                       boyfriend of  the
    go  home"                                                woman whose
    So he leaves the site.                                   head was found
    Murphy starts packing                                    on Arbroath
    his kit up to  leave as                                  beach  was asked
    well.                                                    to identify her.
    "Where the hell are                                      A detective  held
    you  going?" asks the                                    up the head to
    Foreman.                                                 which point Paddy
    "I can't work  in the                                    said "I  don't think
    friggin' dark!" says                                     that's her, she
    Murphy.                                                  wasn't that tall!"

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