Page 35 - RidingOn Winter2022
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With a maximum output of 31 kW (42hp), BMWs CE 04 has a public charging station. When the battery is completely flat,
powerful motor and offers outstanding riding pleasure. For the charging time ideally lasts 4 hours and 20 minutes. With the
classic “traffic light start” discipline from 0 to 50 kph, it takes quick charger available as an optional extra with an output
just 2.6 seconds. The maximum speed is 120 kph, for speedy of up to 6.9 kW (2.3 kW is the standard level), charging time
progress not just in the city but on main roads and motorways is reduced to just 1 hour and 40 minutes when the battery is
too. completely flat. If the battery level is only 20 per cent and the
The BMW CE 04 has an ample battery cell capacity of 60.6 battery is charged to 80 per cent, the charging time is reduced
Ah (8.9 kWh), providing a range of some 130 kilometres. This to just 45 minutes with the optional quick charger. Depending
enables day-to-day emission free riding in the city, in an urban on the market, the standard charging cable with a charging
setting and for smaller scale fun tours after work or at the capacity of 2.3 kW comes as standard with the BMW CE 04.
weekend, with complete peace of mind.
Many Thanks to Brisan Motorcycles & Powersports, 250
The lithium-ion battery is charged using the integrated charging Maitland Road, Islington NSW 2296 T:02 49408777
device either at a regular household socket, a wallbox or a
After the successful launch of Logo Level 1 last July, MV Agusta Motor
S.p.A. announces the release of the second drop of its branded streetwear
apparel collection, Logo Level 2. As with the first capsule collection, the
theme of this release revolves around the iconic MV Agusta logo, with
new colours and the addition of a special tribute to Giacomo Agostini, the
15-times World Champion motorcycling legend. LL2 aims to appeal to a
wide, streetwise and discerning audience of younger-generation bikers and
non-bikers. The collection will be found on MV Agusta’s official online store
and at street-fashion garment stores around the world.
Check this out also
Born to celebrate MV Agusta’s 75th anniversary, and shot between 2020
and 2021, “You see a bike, on the wings of legend” is now available on
major streaming platforms Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV and Google
Play, who started featuring it from March 28th. The film is distributed by, a leading digital media player specialised in motorcycling, which
recently expanded its activities into producing and distributing films and
documentaries. 50 minutes of intense emotions with the riveting stories of
the people who made the MV Agusta legend, but also of the extraordinary
characters who, in some way, crossed the path of the brand from Schiranna.