Page 38 - RidingOn Winter2022
P. 38
Telemachus Medal
Presentation to Bill
Our Social Meeting on Thursday evening February
3rd was to be a special occasion for the Hunter
Coalfields Branch.
William (Bill) Ingall was presented with
Telemachus Medal No: 156.
Fortunately for the Committee we only had to
keep the approval secret for one month. The
recipient Bill or “Dangas” as he is known to most
members, was very surprised and speechless
during the presentation ceremony.
Bill joined Ulysses in June 2000 member #21507.
When the Branch suffered “growing pains” not
unique, Bill was the member who came forward
to both stabilize and put the Branch back on track. Bill held
the position of Branch President for more than ten years for members 24/7. He also organized many Branch fund
and is currently serving as Branch Secretary. raising activities, with the monies raised being presented
personally by the Branch to CWA and small country
He created strong ties with surrounding Branches, communities which were hard hit by the drought.
Newcastle Lower Hunter and Port Stephens. He has
organized Hunter District Memorial Days, Branch functions He also produces The Branch Monthly Newsletter and keeps
at his own home, Christmas in July celebrations at a the Hunter Coalfields Ulysses Facebook page current and
number of locations and many of our midweek and relevant for members.
weekend rides as well as supplying a “ breakdown trailer”
Dave Wright, Life Membership
In 2017 Dave worked to reduce the minimum quantity orders
placed, and the time to order, allowing the stock to be kept at
a manageable level with shorter turnover. Dave worked to put
special merchandise packages together to first be advertised
in the Riding On magazine, and then in the enewsletters.
Dave also conducted a review of suppliers of clothing and
merchandising to ensure the best deal and service for the
Ulysses Club. This was conducted over some time and the
results presented to the National Committee. The project had
resulted in the existing supplier continuing in the role.
The advertising pack was revamped and updated and this was
implemented by Dave as part of his Advertising Liaison role on
the National Committee.
Working with Amy Zazy, Dave created the new look Ulysses Club promotional banners and flags for the use by branches. These
are a vast improvement on those in use, being more eye catching and up to date.
Dave didn’t just “do his job” on the National Committee, but went above and beyond to make changes and to deliver the best
results for members.