Page 2 - Sound Rides Oct 2022
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President Report October 2022:
Our Christmas Party has been on the Agenda for quite some time now and as the quotes have come in
and bank balances checked, we, the committee have decided to give Nae’s Seafood and Grill, Shop 2,
7 Railway Tce, Rockingham a try. With some re-arranging of furniture we should be able to seat every-
one inside but we can utilise the outdoor area too. Music will be streamed this year while we will have
a slide-show scrolling on the large screen TV. Our menu is included in the Waffle and the newsletter
and tickets are available for purchase now. Saturday 10th December 5-10pm. WSW members and
partners $25pp, all Non-affiliated members $45pp and an extra $10pp if you pre-order a piece of fish
(grilled or battered) if you are unable to eat pork. It will BYO alcohol & esky we will have a coffee/tea
station available.
Have you already booked for the 2023 Odyssey? I suggest you do really soon as the accommodation
will fill up in the area as there are other events on that weekend: 22nd – 25th September. Seaspray
Beach Holiday park Dongara. See the Waffle and the Newsletter for further info. Everyone who went to
the Geraldton Odyssey had a great time. Wildflower sightseeing, Geraldton sightseeing, Car Show &
Shine with time trials in Dongara, relaxing, eating, drinking and copious amounts of laughter. If you
are an Ulyssean, then you know how to party!
There are more great rides ahead so I hope to see you out and
Always take care, be aware and be kind to each other.
Julie Wilcox #35151 Telemachus Medalist #64
President Warnbro Sound Wanderers
Ulysses Club Inc
Secretary Report October 2022
Hi Everyone,
A great Memorial ride last month hosted by Perth branch. They supplied a
sausage sizzle & salad that was enjoyed by everyone.
Geraldton branch & Peter & Cheryl also did a great job of arranging the Odyssey
in Geraldton. Dianna & I took the road less travelled & did the wildflower tour
through Moora, Mingenew, Coalseam & Mullewa. We saw some great displays of
flowers, & it was nice to travel down some roads we haven’t been down before.
Luckily a bracket supporting the bus gear linkages gave out a couple of kms from
home, so we limped home in 2nd gear. It wouldn’t have been good if had
happened down the corrugated gravel roads in Coalseam!
Secretary, Warnbro Sound Wanderers Branch
2023 WA Rally Carnarvon June 2nd 3rd 4th
Coral Coast caravan park.
2023 September 22nd - 25th Dongara Odyssey
Hosted by Fremantle at Dongara at the Seaspray Beach Holiday Park.
There are other events in the area that weekend so BOOK NOW as local accommodation will fill up!
Call direct on 9927 1165 and tell them you are with Ulysses. There is everything from chalets, apart-
ments and motel rooms, to powered sites with ensuites.
Alternatively there is the Dongara hotel which is only a kilometer away.
Some great rides and activities are already being planned so we look forward to seeing you there.
Cheers Julie Dally Fremantle President.
Don't miss out on a great weekend! Book now!!!
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