Page 13 - Riding On No.157 Summer 2022
P. 13
Candidates National Committee 2023
John Osborne #41785 The Secretary is the primary point of contact for members.
Position Sought: National Apart from the routine of meeting minutes and correspondence
Secretary or Committee Member the Secretary is often called upon to provide an opinion on
Constitutional matters. In 2015, after working closely with the
Some members may find it strange to National Committee on the Constitution Review, I was elected
see that I have nominated for a position
Ordinary Committee: Blue Knowles #33140 to NatCom. I am now involved with another Constitutional
on the National Committee so shortly review after the NSW Government amended/reissued the
Ordinary Committee: John Osborne #41785 after I resigned. My resignation in Regulations under which our Club legally operates. We will
Ordinary Committee: David Schoer #6478 August 2022 was caused by a medical present a revised Constitution for consideration at the 2023
incident, the treatment for which, effectively rendered me AGM.
Ordinary Committee: Lyn Tout #42397 incapable of fulfilling the duties of my position but I am now fit
Ordinary Committee: Dave Wright #51871 and keen to serve. I am an active riding member of the Northern Beaches Branch
as well as regularly riding with the Sydney Thursday Riders and
Given my experience as a NatCom member (Committee the Sydney Branch of Ulysses Club. I believe it is important for
Member 2015,National Treasurer 2016-2022), and my desire Committee members to participate in Branch activities to stay
to help guide the Club into the future I present my nomination on touch with members. My photo for this resume was taken on
– for National Secretary, or, Committee Person should I be a recent ride – and dare I say, it is a truer representation than
unsuccessful in my first choice as Secretary. During the time as old studio photos previously published.
Treasurer, I implemented a number of changes “in the way we
do business” which have resulted in the financial position of the John Osborne #41785
Club stabilising. My skills in business analysis will be of further
value to the Club.
Blue Knowles #33140 During my time on the NatCom I have had steep learning curve
Position Sought: National into the running of this Great Club and a deep insight into the
Committee Member members of the Ulysses Club, I have also been heavily involved
liaising with the various AGM / National Rally Committees,
To be nominated for a position on the ensuring the success of the individual events.
National Committee (NatCom) is a
privilege that has been bestowed on I believe I can effectively contribute to management of this
me by those Ulysses Members who Great Club to make it a better Club for its members through
have faith in my previous history on the NatCom and seek your endorsement for a position on the
the NatCom and Branch Committees, NatCom.
I have accepted this nomination
willingly. Blue Knowles #33140
Tim Shelton #58221 I wish to assist NATCOM in building the membership back to
Position Sought: Vice President where it was when I joined the Club.
I am 59 years old. I am single. I joined I would like to see Branch website’s returned and hard copies
the Ulysses club in September 2010. of “Riding On” mailed out to members for free again.
I was elected President of the Eastern Thank you for your consideration.
Creek Branch in February 2018 and still
hold the position. Tim Shelton #58221