Page 2 - Sound Rides June 2022
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President Report June 2022:
It’s official… Winter is here once again and now the uncertainty of whether our rides will go ahead on
planned days. We will all do our best to support the rides as we can, when we can, but we have to put
the safety of riders first. Postponing our rides is always the safest option and you will be kept updated
of changes along the way (read your Waffle!)
Also, although we have had some great social gatherings: Bocce, BBQ at our place, Holey Moley with
Fremantle and the Kalbarri Rally, which have been absolutely wonderful, unfortunately, the COVID is
amongst us, and so we have had to postpone our social gatherings too. As soon as we have the all
clear, I’m sure we will be getting together again in the near future.
Don’t forget the June meeting is cancelled and fingers crossed our July meeting will go ahead.
Always take care, be aware and be kind to each other.
Julie Wilcox #35151
Telemachus Medalist #64
Warnbro Sound Wanderers Ulysses Club Inc
Secretary Report June 2022
Hi Everyone,
Well another rally over, & weren't we so lucky with the weather. A bit cold at night, but the 26 degree
days were the perfect riding weather, and with stunning sunsets each night to top the days off. It was
great to see some interaction between branches, all enjoying the great scenery around Kalbarri,
arguably the best within a days drive of Perth, from the skywalk over the Murchison gorges, to the
stunning coastal cliffs & even the Murchison river opposite the cafes. Looking forward to the
Geraldton Odyssey later this year.
Chris, Secretary
Warnbro Sound Wanderers Branch
2022 September 24th - 26th Geraldton Odyssey
Hosted by Geraldton at Geraldton camp school.
Rego form out soon.
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