Page 3 - Sound Rides March 2022
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The balance of the Commonwealth Bank dated 28th February 2022 is $ 3802.55
The balance of the ANZ bank dated 28th February 2022 is $998.45
The Commonwealth balance has gone up because of a triathlon (thanks volunteers J.C., Haydn,
Keith & Chris).
The ANZ balance has gone up because of a triathlon (thanks volunteers Taff & Chris) & the
Bunnings sausage sizzle (thanks to over 20 volunteers!!).
A huge thankyou to Dianna for helping me with the end of year statements
we send off to the National Treasurer for checking.
Janet Pearce
Blue skies and happiness
Money in Your Wallet is “Dirtier” Than a Public Toilet Seat, Expert Says
March 7, 2012 by News Desk
Dr. Ron Cutler, a biomedical scientist in London specializing in infectious diseases and their control
and treatment, has run studies at Queen Mary – University of London, proving that such things as
restaurant high chairs and your car’s steering wheel are likely to have more germs than a public
toilet seat.
Now he’s examined 200 bills of currency (British bank notes) and 45 credit cards and discovered that
26 per cent of the notes and 47 per cent of the cards had high levels of bacteria. In other words,
money and credit cards are dirtier than a toilet seat. Gross .!
But it’s Cutler’s way of emphasizing the importance of hand
hygiene to prevent the spread of infection.
He found E.coli on some of the notes in his latest study, together
with Staphylococcus aureus which is often carried by humans
without causing any problems but can lead to infections. Overall,
80 per cent of notes and 78 per cent of credit cards tested had
some traces of bacteria.
Dr. Cutler is Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director of Biomedical Science Degree
Programs in the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary.
Ulysses W.A. caps
Stand out in the crowd with these Ulysses W.A. caps. Known
the nation over, these caps are great to wear at National &
state rallies, with members recognizing the caps & coming
over to chat and make you welcome. It has the Ulysses logo
on the front, and a map of WA on the right hand side.
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